MMA fighting in the UK

17 Oct 2002
Since someone posted a video link to Fedor Emelianenko in GD I've watched 100's of similar videos of the MMA fighters. I don't think I've ever watched such full-on combat in any other discipline.

So does MMA exist in the UK as a spectator sport?
Spie said:
Since someone posted a video link to Fedor Emelianenko in GD I've watched 100's of similar videos of the MMA fighters. I don't think I've ever watched such full-on combat in any other discipline.

So does MMA exist in the UK as a spectator sport?

I think it does, but it's quite a small organisation. I can't remember any names but I'll go have a look now.
Yes it does. The "premiership" of MMA competitions in the UK is Cage Rage.

Michael "The Count" Bisping who you might have seen on The Ultimate Fighter 3 was Cage Rage champion.

EDIT: I would post more but Im just about to go out, Will post when I get back. Big Kev is a fight fan, he is in the know I think :)
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Seem to recall a thread a while ago when a forum member wanted to join the mma so there must be something that can be seen live...aha there we go. (damn typing slowly :D)
panthro said:
Yes it does. The "premiership" of MMA competitions in the UK is Cage Rage.

Michael "The Count" Bisping who you might have seen on The Ultimate Fighter 3 was Cage Rage champion.

EDIT: I would post more but Im just about to go out, Will post when I get back. Big Kev is a fight fan, he is in the know I think :)

No surprise there Mikes a tough one :P

CR is getting very popular, now they are advertising on TV. Sometimes their show was on that poker channel, called The Player I think
I know a few people who've been to Cage Rage events and they've enjoyed it, wouldn't mind going myself when I have a couple of spare quid at some point.

Ultimate Fighter Finale is on Bravo next weekend which should be a good watch then about a week or so later is UFC 61 which has a Shamrock v Ortiz which should be a classic.
Cage Rage is starting take off in the UK, with the next event at Wembley Arena, featuring a few UFC and Pride fighters.

I see Ian Freeman is topping the event, I thought he'd retired??

Also on the bill is the vastly overrated but hugely popular Tank Abbott, nothing more than a brawler, who has no ability on the floor at all, but is normally exciting.
Big Kev said:
Tank Abbott, nothing more than a brawler, who has no ability on the floor at all, but is normally exciting.

Probably because he is one of the hardest punchers in the sport, he puts people into a deep sleep with his right.
Yes, Cage Rage is the British MMA event, it's held at London regularly and you can watch the fights on Men and Motors, they tend to put Cage Rage on at about midnight fairly often.
Out of interest does anyone here fight?

I've been training in Muay Thai for over a year now, I've been to a few combat submission wrestling classes so I know the basic guards, mounts and submissions. I'm thinking of leaving Muay Thai for a bit and training in BJJ to improve my all round ability and then hopefully fight an MMA competition.

I'm 6ft tall and weigh 180lbs at about 15% bodyfat so I'd wanna get up to 185lbs at about 9% bodyfat and sort out my cardio before I fight
I've been to some mma classes, (although it was basically bjj/wrestling and muay thai)a friend of mine from school and his brother started up in a thai boxing gym as they were both mma fighters who fought in various British events.

It's probably the most tiring thing i've ever done, but I really enjoyed it. I'd been watching mma for 7 years before, so I had a good idea of what to do, well... sort of.

I'd really recommend it, I love watching the big shows, Pride & UFC, some of the smaller ones are good too (WEC, KOTC, Cage Rage, Shooto). It's an amazing thing to see how much it's evolved in the years i've been watching.
Can't forget k1, some of the best fights I've ever watched have been k1 fights although it isn't mma so that's probably why you didn't include it.

Remy Bonjaski is my all time favourite fighter the man is a beast, 6 foot 4, 240lbs but he's as fast and agile as a featherweight, his knees and roundkicks are *** d34dly.
Fedor is the man, shame he's not in the GP :/

As said above Cage Rage is a good place to look for MMA in the UK. I've not watched much of it apart from a few Bisping fights, but I guess it's the best you're going to get over here.

TV wise you've got Bravo showing UFC, and I think Eurosport were showing some Pride not too long ago. That does me, but I wouldn't mind catching a live event at some point.
Morba said:
eurosport has fightnight which im sure shows price and K1

Yeah but the stuff they show is all old and tends to be just odd fights rather than full events. I wouldn't bother personally, there are far better ways.
On the subject of Cage Rage I just thought i'd add that my all-time favourite UK fight has got to be at Cage Rage 15 - Melvin Manheof vs Evangelista "Cyborg" Santos.

A must see for any mma enthusiast.
I've watched the past few Cage Rage events and thought the quality of the fighters was quite poor. Manheof vs Cyborg was good to watch but it was more of a slug fest with little technical ability. Obviously Cage Rage is pretty new and is playing catch up with the bigger organisations, but I've been spoilt watching Pride FC. Check out Pride matches involving Sakuraba, Silva, Crocop, Rampage, Mark Hunt etc - they are fantastic fighters.
PRIDE is the best by far. Nothing compares to it imo. All the best fighters in the world fight in PRIDE and it shows.
Rampage is the real deal man, there's a really good video compilation on google video which starts off showing rampage when he first entered the game, getting beat up and shots of him knocked out on the deck, then in the second half it shows him now with plenty of knock outs, clips from the fight where he beat Chuck Liddell at Pride FC etc. etc.

Go to and search for "Rampage Jackson" the video is called Born Again ***-Kicker and is 9 mins long, really inspirational.

When I shower, Im'a do it with the pride belt, when I train, Im'a train with the pride belt, when I **** yo momma, Im'a be wearing the pride belt.
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