mmm LLLLLLLLLLL (joined the club)

FranchiseJuan said:
What are you talking about? For practical reasons this is not right.... It should be the 35 F1.4

I meant to say the lens " I " have on my camera 24/7 seems to always be the 85mm. I did have the 16-35mm f/2.8 L but apart from weddings was hardly using it....

MrLOL said:
is that the lens you see all the pros in hi vis jackets using at football matches at the corner flag ?

I think for football matches the pros tend to use the 300mm prime. That's what the EXIF pointed to on quite a few shots I've seen anyway.

They can get close enough to the pitch not to need anything longer.
MajorPart said:
I meant to say the lens " I " have on my camera 24/7 seems to always be the 85mm. I did have the 16-35mm f/2.8 L but apart from weddings was hardly using it....

Ok. Sorry about the miss understanding. I like my 50 mm (equiv) focal length. :)
ranarama said:
I think for football matches the pros tend to use the 300mm prime. That's what the EXIF pointed to on quite a few shots I've seen anyway.

They can get close enough to the pitch not to need anything longer.

Yeah 300mm & 400mm it seems, seen a few 100-400 zooms too.

Seems 600 is reserved for Motorsports and i've seen a few at the airshows. Can't imagine it's easy panning a 600mm tho :eek: Even on a monopod. The recent RedBull Air race had a good few 600mm's there... Ain't seen a 500mm yet.. strange.

As for the 1200, Think the ONLY time i've ever seen a 1200mm was at a big baseball game in Boston.. thats just plain over the top! I even think that might have been Canon themselves as they were demonstrating at that event.. can't remember what game it was as it few years ago. (used to stay over the pond).

Can't be many of them about.
MajorPart said:
As for the 1200, Think the ONLY time i've ever seen a 1200mm was at a big baseball game in Boston.. thats just plain over the top! I even think that might have been Canon themselves as they were demonstrating at that event.. can't remember what game it was as it few years ago. (used to stay over the pond).

Can't be many of them about.

I would take a stab at less than 100 worldwide. Canon only made them to order ($76000 rrp!) so they tend to be the preserve of big magazines and agencies - Sports Illustrated have 2 I believe.
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