MMX300 vs Game Zero

12 Feb 2016
The Black Lodge
Currently using MMX300's (original version) through GSX1000 for evening gaming.

Looking at Sennheiser Game Zero revised 50ohm impedance headset (I get bored lol). Has anyone experience of both these headsets and can say if the Sennheiser's offer a better sound?

I've steered clear of Sennheiser headsets for a while because every set I've had the wire has been the weakness and they've gone in one ear. Noticed the Game Zero has detachable cable which made them more attractive.


Your current setup is pretty strong so I would be surprised if you noticed enough difference to justify the cost.

Worth checking Sennheiser outlet store if you do though. I bought some HD599s last week and they are like new.
Thank you for your reply. :)

I kind of suspected as much, retail therapy trying its Jedi mind trick lol.

Thank you for the link, I'll definitely give that a look. ;)


Based on the quality of the headsets alone; for what the Game Zero costs, I wouldn't say any improvement is worth the outlay considering you have the MMX300 already.

However; you are using the MMX300 with the GSX1000, which is a Sennheiser product. Sennheiser surely designed the GSX with their headsets in mind, so it's possible they and their HD5** (which their premium headsets are based on) range of headphones will have a better synergy with the GSX than headphones from other manufacturers. I'm just speculating of course, and if there is any improvement to be had with the GSX + Sennheiser headphones/ headset, that may not be worth the outlay for the Game Zero.

The MMX300 is closed back, and open back is better for positional sound; so that will have some impact. MMX300 will be more solidly built though.

One of those times when 'try before you buy', would be very useful.
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Yes this was part of my conundrum.

Both headsets of comparable abilities and pedigree but I did wonder if Sennheiser's headset might be better attuned to the GSX1000 as you say.

I agree any perceived improvement isn't likely to be worth the outlay but then again I'm the kind of idiot that bought Dali speakers to use on my PC :D


If you get the Sennheiser's from a place where you can return them without hassle after trying them should the difference not be worth the outlay, then that takes out the risk of being stuck with them if they are not what you would call an improvement over the MMX300 + GSX.
Hmm, very true. Infact I may just look into that as it's a good way to satisfy my curiosity without risk ;)


Its a shame you missed the 598s for about £80 quid last week. They would have given you an idea what to expect.

For the record I use a gsx1000 linked to HD599s and they are very good. I find the soundstage on open backed headphones a lot nicer. They feel very comfortable for long sessions. They dont fatigue my ears like my closed back headset does.

I love headphones though and I feel the urge to get some HD700s should they ever be at a good price.
Ok, so I bought a set of Sennheiser Game Zero's.

First impressions are musically they sound quieter or have a narrower sound stage than the MMX300's. However, this seems to be intentional to prioritise voice as positional audio seems better and more prominent. Guess I'll be using these for gaming and the MMX300's for music.


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