Mobileme web site - nuke from orbit!

Push rapes your battery too..

No. Pulling does. :)

Even though Google offers the same, better and for free?

Since when did Google sync content between Macs, Windows and iPhone? I don't think Google has brilliant iPhot intergration neither. Google is good but MobileMe does better and it's not bad value for £45.

Because it's more than a mailbox. It's a collection of services, and if you use more than a couple of them it's worth getting. If you were only after the mail, there would be little point in shelling out for it.

I've had my phone (N95 8GB) set up with Gmail IMAP and that was actually push. It uses the IMAP idle command :)

For some reason doesn't work like that even though the idle command thing is ticked...
Even though Google offers the same, better and for free?

Google won't sync up all your Macs, your iPhone, your iPod Touch, give you 20gb of online backup, host you a website, host yummy easy to use picture galleries, blah blah.

Google's set of services is undeniably great and it's free, which makes it even more attractive, but Google's stuff and MobileMe aren't really the same.

If all you wanted was IMAP email, a calendar and some storage then yeah you'd be somewhat foolish to shell out for MobileMe, no one's denying that.
Nope he means £45 a year

No, he means £59 to £89 (which he got with "discount" for the first year at £45). The price of service starts at £59. But the answers of that type display amusing stubborness and brick wall denial of someone regularly trying to convince their wife they got all the toys and gadgets for Tesco points while having to eat all the receipts in desperation before entering home. :D

Relax, you are among friends. We are not judging you. :D

Now, what do we have so far for that £5 a month? Push email (does mobileme harvest and push other email accounts as well?) and "yummy easy to use picture galleries". Anything else?
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No, he means £59 to £89 (which he got with "discount" for the first year at £45). The price of service starts at £59. But the answers of that type display amusing stubborness and brick wall denial of someone regularly trying to convince their wife they got all the toys and gadgets for Tesco points while having to eat all the receipts in desperation before entering home. :D

Relax, you are among friends. We are not judging you. :D

Now, what do we have so far for that £5 a month? Push email (does mobileme harvest and push other email accounts as well?) and "yummy easy to use picture galleries". Anything else?

No, £45.
Sigh.. even you Don?


Now, can we stop with the there-is-no-spoon-ism and come back to topic at hand? :)
Which is all cool special offer for the first time sign up from brickety brack auction place, etc, but not really indicative of the annual price of this service for the purpose of our conversation.

As in - just because last week you could buy half a cistern of red diesel for 49 pence a litre from a shady guy moored down in Sheerness port after dark it doesn't mean it's indicative of real world price of diesel and one should base long term motoring budget on it or use it for discussing how expensive energy is these days.

So, back to the topic guys, what else, beside easy gallery and push email does one get for the money. Let's convince me to go and buy that family pack from the leo-something-or-rather person on ebay.
So, back to the topic guys, what else, beside easy gallery and push email does one get for the money. Let's convince me to go and buy that family pack from the leo-something-or-rather person on ebay.

That's not the topic hijacker, this is:


[sigh] :(
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