Mobility scooter not as fast as they claim?

I have just been given an old PC.

It weighs a fair bit, its got a fairly standard full sized case, its grey and its rock solid so obviously steel.

I opened it up and there is 2 coolers in there, so clearly dual CPU which made me giggle.

No ram, but DDR2 and so I had a look around and I filled up the 4 slots and its got 4GB in there now, started it up and sure enough, she came on... Took long enough to do it, but I went into the BIOS to be nosey like you do, and its a fairly basic and might I say bare affair, I saw among teh options Hyperthreading disabled and a quick go, let me enable it, so good... teh CPUs may be HyperThreading and sure enough they did indeed turn out to be so.

Its got a Windows 7 Serial on the side of teh case and so I went with that of course... Annoyed that it would not seem to boot from USB however it certainly seemed to have plenty of bits and bobs for doing all kinds of silly stuff with networking that I have not seen before in a BIOS, and it took incredibly long time to install, but its all gone it and it seems to be workign just fine.

I have not had a proper look at the board, I dont know if its ATX and I hope it is, because even though the case is lovely, the PSU looks a very non standard massive thing thats wont be nice to replace, and in spite of the board clearly being a Server, the case can only fit 2 Hard Disks and one DVD Drive in.

I didnt get the details of the CPU now, but If I remember its a Dual Xeon 3.2Ghz and the letters/numbers hpw6200 or hpx6200 showed up.

Still... 3.2Ghz isnt a bad speed for a free PC and dual CPU and HyperThreading I think I am happy with it and so I am going to have a good play over the next few days with my new toy.

You do a lot of giggling.
try ebay. I had to sell one of these on behalf of an elderly neighbour a few years ago. Even though it was as good as new, it was hard work getting a fraction of what they cost new. I think the RRP was about £2800 and after listing it many times, we got about £300. Mobility shops weren't interested in buying it presumably because they probably have a high markup from new.
try ebay. I had to sell one of these on behalf of an elderly neighbour a few years ago. Even though it was as good as new, it was hard work getting a fraction of what they cost new. I think the RRP was about £2800 and after listing it many times, we got about £300. Mobility shops weren't interested in buying it presumably because they probably have a high markup from new.

Depending on where it was bought from the markup could have been several hundred percent :eek:

I've seen the same model vary from X at one discount place to X3 on one of the "we'll bring it out to you and demo it" type advert in the national papers.

My mothers preferred model (a cheaper one) I saw at around £800 and £1200 within days at different retailers.
admittedly, the 850 did give a Max speed of 7 but I myself did not see 7MPH show up - I am of course looking at the road more than the phone of course, Im not stupid.


2 posts? is this a real person or the best spam post ever?

Edit - Just seen 1st post in the hardware section and he's legit.
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Considering normal walking pace is 3-4mph I can't see the need to go any faster, even when they're only going at 4mph when they're driven by some old person wearing glasses thicker than my windows they're a menace!
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