Mod 1 and Mod 2 on my 125 cc Van Van

24 Dec 2005
I have 12 months of my CBT left...what I'm thinking is just do Mod 1 and 2 and then drive my Van Van for a couple more years then have the option of a bigger Bike if I want.

Seems the sensible option rather than waiting another 12 months on the CBT then another 2 years after that...

Once you do M1 and M2 do you have to ride a Bigger Bike? In any time frame?

I have no overwhelming desire to ride a bigger Bike right now...I just Pootle to work and 65mph is fast enough for me on my country lane commute.But when the CBT runs out in June 2013 it will cost another 75 quid to renew. I'm thinking do Mod 1 and Mod 2 and leave my options open plus it wont work out that more expensive. Been riding now for 12 months on my 6 gear Van Van...Feel confident enough I think...


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Sounds like you've already made your mind up :cool:
Get the mod 1 and 2 done and you'll have a full licence. It doesn't expire and you can ride as big or small bike as you want.
Not sure on the power of your bike, but if you wanted an unrestricted license you will probably have to rent a bigger bike to comply with the power requirements (Someone correct me if im wrong!)

I cant remember the exact requirements, but for the DAS tests you do need a bike above a certain BHP i think?

Could be wrong, but unfortunately dont have time to check atm!
If you take the tests on a 125 you'll end up with an A2 (restricted) license. That'll mean you can ride any bike that is restricted to 33bhp. After 2 years that will automatically upgrade to a full A motorcycle license.

If you took the DAS option you'd do the tests on a bigger bike (500cc+ I think) and get your full A motorcycle license right away.
If you take the tests on a 125 you'll end up with an A2 (restricted) license. That'll mean you can ride any bike that is restricted to 33bhp. After 2 years that will automatically upgrade to a full A motorcycle license.

If you took the DAS option you'd do the tests on a bigger bike (500cc+ I think) and get your full A motorcycle license right away.

So in my case it would be 12 months...Because I have another 12 months left on my CBT before I need to renew it....

The other driving me on factor is the Rules change in Jan 2013 I think and you can no longer do M1 and M2 on a 125 cc:(
I'd get Mod1+2 done on your 125 before 2013 if I were you.

Your license would be an A2, but the current rules should still apply if you passed before 2013. So if you pass in Dec 2012, your A2 license should auto-upgrade to a full A in Dec 2014 :)
So in my case it would be 12 months...Because I have another 12 months left on my CBT before I need to renew it....

The other driving me on factor is the Rules change in Jan 2013 I think and you can no longer do M1 and M2 on a 125 cc:(

Its two year restriction from when you pass your Mod2, not your CBT.
I'd get Mod1+2 done on your 125 before 2013 if I were you.

Your license would be an A2, but the current rules should still apply if you passed before 2013. So if you pass in Dec 2012, your A2 license should auto-upgrade to a full A in Dec 2014 :)

Thats what I'm thinking
Its two year restriction from when you pass your Mod2, not your CBT.

yeah so in essence I would be saving a year...

Wait another 12 months until the CBT runs out then renew it for £75

Or do the M1 and M2 now for £135 and be riding any bike in 2 years
You will need lessons even if you think you don't.

Why not just do the unrestricted test now? It won't cost you much more than it would to do it on your own bike.
yeah so in essence I would be saving a year...

Wait another 12 months until the CBT runs out then renew it for £75

Or do the M1 and M2 now for £135 and be riding any bike in 2 years

Ah yeah i see what you mean now, sorry :)

In my own opinion, do not go down the restricted route if you dont have to, i did and regretted it... just get the full licence done straight away, because if you do want a bigger bike sooner and have to have it restricted, it will cost more money, not to mention the hassle.

And as Arctine said, you will need lessons, especially for the Mod1 stuff, and maybe some aspects of the Mod2, and it wont cost you any more to do it on a 500cc than a 125cc. (In fact parts of the Mod1 are MUCH easier on a bigger bike i found... the swerve test etc... on a 125cc i had to literally pin it in first and second in order to get the speed, on a 500cc it was much easier to get the required speed in the space you get)

Also don't forget you need to do the theory test :)
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Ah yeah i see what you mean now, sorry :)

In my own opinion, do not go down the restricted route if you dont have to, i did and regretted it... just get the full licence done straight away, because if you do want a bigger bike sooner and have to have it restricted, it will cost more money, not to mention the hassle.

And as Arctine said, you will need lessons, especially for the Mod1 stuff, and maybe some aspects of the Mod2, and it wont cost you any more to do it on a 500cc than a 125cc. (In fact parts of the Mod1 are MUCH easier on a bigger bike i found... the swerve test etc... on a 125cc i had to literally pin it in first and second in order to get the speed, on a 500cc it was much easier to get the required speed in the space you get)

Also don't forget you need to do the theory test :)

Thought Mod 1 was like 15 mins driving around cones?
Thought Mod 1 was like 15 mins driving around cones?

Some of it is but there's the swerve bit and you've got to be doing over 30mph at that point which is easy enough on a 500cc but harder on a 125cc due to less acceleration.

I'd probably still recommend a bit of training though, just so you know what to do and when the examiner is expecting you to do lifesavers etc. It's easy to forget them just because you're not on the road.
Thought Mod 1 was like 15 mins driving around cones?

It pretty much is... but there are parts where doing it on a 125cc (if you're a big heavy bloke like me) is a bit of a pain. You have to accelerate around a bend and then pass through a speed gate at 31mph, then swerve through some cones. Getting up to the speed is a pain on a 125cc, but cake on a 500cc. The controlled / emergency stop is the same setup, just minus the swerve.

If i were you, i'd go to a training centre and ask for an assessment on your riding, they should be able to then give you an idea of how many lessons they think you may need to iron out any bad habits (we all have them!) and get you prepared for what the examiners look for :)

My gf went for an assessment and they just put her on a separate bike while others were doing a CBT... maybe somewhere by you can do a similar thing. (It cost her nothing for the assessment btw)
Like the other guys have said, deffo look to get yr unrestricted, if funds allow of course....."15 mins driving around cones".......if only it was as easy as that sounds. Some training schools hire the test centre on a weekend so that you can actually have a few goes at it in advance.
Cool video and thanks for the feedback. I just don't have any drive to ride a bigger bike righ now. Plus I don't have the money to buy one and certainly not within 2 years.

Doing mod 1 and mod 2 was just for the sake of not forking out another 75 quid for my CBT. That would constantly need to be updated. And the chance to do it on a bike I'm currently riding.

After 2013 it will be more hassle I think.
Just go for it easy ! Like you say it's not worth paying out and going through the agro of renewing your CBT.

It'll be cheaper than you pay for a graphics card ect and once it's done it's done, you've got it for life.

DO IT :)
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