By me it's the cost of your test plus £30 for each hour you're borrowing the bike/instructor.
You're probably talking £250 for a few hours of lessons and both tests on a 500cc.
You'd have to be pretty confident to do it with only a few hours of lessons, mind.
It's up to you whether or not you go for restricted or unrestricted though tbh. Personally I'd choose unrestricted but you have no desire to ride a faster bike anytime soon so the restricted route may be more applicable.
Im planning on doing similar to you easy, i plan on going down the restricted route using my own 125, later in the year when iv had a few more miles under me.
I'm doing the restricted route because i have no plans whatsoever to get a bigger bike within that 2 year period of restriction, funds simply wouldn't be there, that and im happy with my current bike for a good couple of years yet until im more confident to jump on something more powerful.
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