Modded Watercooled RV01 (Warning lots of Pics :D)

thanks for the comments guys i used the coaster because it was close to hand and was nice and square and we need new ones anyways :D
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I am feeling its time for more upgrades so just got another 470 PA 120.1 and a hardwarelabs 240 rad to squeeze inside this case :cool: so keep a look out this coming weekend :)
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Okay upgrade time ready for BF3 lol .....

To start with i have these two rads to squeeze in and these are the fans ill be using, plus a 18w DDC to keep the pressure high in this massive loop which will be 3 rads 3 gpu's mobo and cpu and a lot of tubing.

I bought this for the build but soon realised it was far to big to fit in the top :( so i have bought a smaller one :o

These are the fans ill be using ..Scythe Kaze Jyuni 1900RPM Slip Stream 25mm and 12mm sizes

A Thin120.2 rad for the bottem of the case

And a new PSU for Tri-SLI

The 120.2 came with these screws which look garbage

So i got some off these ....

Look much better dont you agree ?

The Place where tis rad will live has very limited air flow so i set to removing this part above the PSU cage

After this part i relised the paint job was starting to look very worn in places so i set to stripping it down.

Now on to cutting the hole for the lower rad. Which i made a template and scribe the out line out ready for my new dremel :D

8 Discs later i have a result!!

If you noticed there are 2 cable manegment holes i made..... very poorly so i desided this needed to be sorted.

Lots off dremeling and filling later it was ready to be primed.

At the minute iam spraying the case a gloss black again but this is as far as i've got so far so i thought i would give you a little sneak peak some of teh hardware going in :)

Keep looking more updates coming soon :cool:
Same ....When you strip them down you can really see why they cost so much it must take soem one at least 4 hours to put the whole thing together

Just wait for the finished product should be a testament to how great this case is :cool:
Got the rig finished last night so here is the last part to the bit of my build log..

This grill is going to cover that hole i dremeled out for the bottem 120.2 .

Which to make it fit i need a bit off the top and bottem so i scribed some lines into the metal and broke the dremel out again

Now it fits a treat just need a lick of paint to match the case and cover the chopped edges

Aslo with this build i want my 470's to be single slot and all my PCI rentension plates to be the same, Also my i/o plate will get the same treatment after i've put a hole in it.

Moving on to the PA120.4 this had some paint missing so this will also be painted in matt black.

And after.

Now on to Re-contructing the case, and belive me this took about 2 hours there are so many parts to the front door it was mind boogaling but got there in the end sorry for no pic's of the internal parts as it took me turning into a octopus to complete this by myself :D



In this time i managed to spray all the parts and let them dry including the dvd drive .

Time to get the rads in now which needed me to sorten some screws so out came the dremel again lol.

The Best thing you can do watercooled gpu is swap these plate as it opens up the other slots and where only £3 each.

And whilst i was at it, the sound card got it aswell.

This is where my thermochill 120.1 should off been but it would not fit, this one only just went in.

Also i wanted to run this fan in a push pull configuration. Notice where that 45 is .... that is in the way of the bottem fan so on to modding one off the scythe's with my oscillating saw .

Before installing this Fan i wanted to complete the tubing as i would not be able to reach and of the compression fittings........5 meters of tubing later....

I decided to but these tie wraps in till the tubes take there shape Dont worry they wont be staying.:p

And here are the 470's in all there glory. these where a monster pain to fit as i need to put the sound card in first and also had to lift all 3 of them into place at the same time due to the sli briges. If they went in wron ie say the pci-e finger didnt go in the slot i had to get all the push release triggers on the mobo which where buried under gpus and soundcard at the same time to release them. Three attempts and an hour and half later they where in at last.

I used black thumb screws to put them into place to match the rest of the rig

Just to show you how tight some of this was heres a couple of close in pics.

Here a few of everything in its place.

And at last a good camera to take some finaly pic's of it all finished.

I hope you have enjoyed the build log and any comments are welcome, Ill be posting to stress tests later.
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you did forget the rad at the bottem :P

and that way i would pushing all the hot water from GPU's for a quick cool in the 120.1 then onto the cpuwould result in very high cpu temps

the way its is at serves as RES>PUMP>120.2>CPU>120.1>MOBO>120.4>GPU's

also 90's are very restrictive and i dont like using them plus you wouldnt be able to rout the tubes out the top due to the sliding lid
I'm confused by the flow route through the GFX cards. Input/Output suggests that the route staggers from front to back. I dont see how you can then bring the water back through them without trying to force the water back along the route against its own flow :(

Its parallel loop so it splits the flow into 3 ways so its doesnt flow from one card to the next transfering heat.
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