Modding your Fan Controller

Nice mod mate. Personal preference would be to have the plain back plate rather than the mesh style (inc the top slot) to keep the smooth looks of the TJ flowing but it all matches so I see why you chose that style.
i was going to do it to the plain blank plate but the whole front of the case will have the lian li mesh stye bezels on it soon. reason being is that i am putting a 240 radiator behind them. big changes coming up on my tj07. seems everyone has the black white look at the moment which is something i picked because i hadnt seen it done well before i built my rig originally

Oh, and get a MM case m8. While they don't compare to the features and build qulity of lianli or silverstone they make up for it in size and the possibilities because of that ;).

i toy with the idea of an MM every 6 months or so. i can never decide which model would suit me best.

i do love my TJ though w3bbo :D

Cool mod there Rikoneill hope you dont mind but i think i may borrow this idea somewhat and apply it to my current Lian-Li A20 Mod
go ahead, thats why i posted the guide, just a cool way of getting things looking uniform. there is nothing worse than a mish mash of stuff on the front of a system.

And i thought i`d finished my Case.Damn you Rikoneill !! :p;)
systems are never finished. there is always lots more to do...
Woo cool didn't know it was that easy, looks great! Hmm got me thinking of using this in the future... makes me want to start building stuff now...
Nice mod there mate, just order a silver fc-2 with a lian li bezel and hope to the same.

Do you know where i could get hold of some foam like that? (or something similur) im hoping to use maybe 2-3 layers of foam so the knobs dont predrude out as much. thanks
the foam is off an antec 902

you need one sheet

the knobs go on afterwards

Great, guess any foam will do really.

On another note how are you getting on with the FC2? - Got mine today but having difficulties slowing fans down as they just shut off at about the half way point. Plus getting the wierd humming noise?
i assume you are running really slow fans on it then?

the controller is rated to run delta fans so it helps having fast ones on it.

mind you my xigmatek xlf's are running fairly slow. no humming that i can hear turned half way up :confused:
i assume you are running really slow fans on it then?

the controller is rated to run delta fans so it helps having fast ones on it.

mind you my xigmatek xlf's are running fairly slow. no humming that i can hear turned half way up :confused:

No im am using 4 x delta's 2900RPM 9watts fans

Its really wierd and am considering switching to a sunbeam. Most of the control i get is say from 49% to 50% of the knob. So sensitive like ive only got 1mm of turn to control speed. Anything below 49% fans either switch off or start and stop. Anything above 50% is full speed.

When using regular 120mm fans it seems ok, then with the deltas very little control. Same again when i tested my scythe 3000rpm fan, very little control.

Im assuming becuase its such a high voltage controller that the incriments from turning the knob are very large, so if your not using a very high watt fan, control is going to be difficult.
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You say in this thread that you used Lian Li bezels but when I googled it this came up which has 2 lines in the bezel..

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Those visible lines are possibly part of the filter frame thats fitted in the bezel. Could be an earlier/newer filter design. Ive got the same bezels though the filter frame doesnt have those two lines. But the filter is removeable.
Those visible lines are possibly part of the filter frame thats fitted in the bezel. Could be an earlier/newer filter design. Ive got the same bezels though the filter frame doesnt have those two lines. But the filter is removeable.

Thanks! and where do I buy the padding and mesh from? I'm going to try this mod asap..
nice very nice i would love to see it back lit behind the mesh

Yeah thats what I'm going to do eventually. Right now there is no hardware in there now because I'm waiting for IB, Kelper and the USB 3.0 front ports to get released by Silverstone.

Thanks :)
I really am not a DIY person and thought I was incapable but it doesn't look that bad! :)

can you put foam on the others too? it would look more uniform that way :)

I'm going to try that and see what one I prefer. I am going to put a rad/led fans in there so it could look nice something like rjkoneill's build and it would provide optimum airflow..

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That is a great mod, it looks so much neater. I'll definitely be doing this if I decide to get a fan controller for my Corsair 650D.

BTW is it possible to use those perforated bezels in the 650D?
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