Modem / Router for O2 Broadband

2 Nov 2007

Just got O2 Pro set up and went though with the setup CD to get the Wireless Box II going. What a hassle. I managed to get stuck on a never ending loop at 55% complete. I decided to do things manually and logged into the router's web interface - who designed that thing? And did they spend more than 5 minutes on it?!

Anyways, O2 estimated i would get 17 meg. The router seemed to think i was syncing at 18meg. I seemed to be downloading at 15meg. Combined with the fact that i now hate the wireless box, i want to change it. Thats possible right?

I think ive got a DG834PN knocking about somewhere. Failing that, might try and pick up a DG834N, or any of the new Linksys Cisco ones?

Can anyone recommend one? Is O2 fussy about what routers you can use with them?

Why do you need the CD? Just plug the router in and connect with wires or wirelessly.

The router should come set up properly since its using custom firmware.

Also you should have got the Wireless Box III with the o2 pro package. If you don't use wireless-n, I wouldn't bother getting it replaced though.

As for switching routers, I used a DG834GT for a month using dgteam firmware. Its somewhat nice tweaking the connection, but the wireless box III I had, was better in terms of range and stability. The o2 box also syncs at a higher speed for any given SN margin.
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My bad, i meant Premium!

They seemed pretty insistent on using the CD, and i used it to change the SSID and password.

Surprised about what you said about syncing higher with the O2 box. I though the DG834's have the magic broadcom chip that syncs everything as best as can be done.

Still, i hate the WebUI and think i might just go with the 834PN.
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