SpankLikeThis said:ok cool will the final have the css in it too so i dont have to edit any files?
suarve said:hehe rob just nticed you live kinda close to me.
|Show| said:what are the limitations though?
ocuk.threadId = selectSingleNode(doc, doc, "//input[@type = 'hidden' and @name = 'searchthreadid']").value;
SpankLikeThis said:ok cool will the final have the css in it too so i dont have to edit any files?
svn co
%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[b]some string of letters[/b]\extensions
@-moz-document domain( {
** OcUK colour scheme changer
** By Rob Miller
* { color:#000 !important; }
textarea, input { background:#ddd !important; }
body, .page, .thead, .tfoot, .alt2, .alt2Active, .panel { background-color: #fff !important; }
.alt1, .alt1Active, .panelsurround, .vbmenu_option { background-color: #fff !important; }
.alt2 { background:#dfdfdf !important; }
.vbmenu_control, .vbmenu_control *, .vbmenu_hilite, .vbmenu_hilite *, .tcat, .tcat * { background-color: #006598 !important; color:#fff !important; }
.vbmenu_popup { border: 1px solid #ccc !important; }
** OcUK colour scheme changer
** By Rob Miller
* { color:#000 !important; }
textarea, input { background:#ddd !important; }
body, .page, .thead, .tfoot, .alt2, .alt2Active, .panel { background-color: #fff !important; }
.alt1, .alt1Active, .panelsurround, .vbmenu_option { background-color: #fff !important; }
.alt2 { background:#dfdfdf !important; }
.vbmenu_control, .vbmenu_control *, .vbmenu_hilite, .vbmenu_hilite *, .tcat, .tcat * { background-color: #006598 !important; color:#fff !important; }
.vbmenu_popup { border: 1px solid #ccc !important; }
georges said:I'll recommend the "stylish" extension from the firefox site mentioned earlier. Lets you instantly change and preview changes by rightclicking in the status bar the icon, with saved css being on a list for that site or global ones.
Augmented said:Persist. It's just a nice, live wrapper for usercontent.css. Anything you can do with @-moz-document works - so current URI, domain, subdomain etc. Very handy. (/edit - n.b. doesn't actually modify usercontent.css, uses stylish.rdf in the profile folder).
Any objections to people hacking your hacks about Rob?