MODS - Can we have tapatalk plugin for OCUK forums?

For the shop? Again, the shop works fairly well in my experience, but that's not a bad idea.

Shop looks crap on mobile. not horrendous - but not good.

the TP forums use an app by "End of Time Studios", its free for users and pretty good..

current site is a PITA on a smartphone, especially when it has loads of pics. was trying to browse the MM on the bog last night and it was a painful experience (browsing not the other :D)

It's ok on the iPhone but a competitor forums (i'll call them ****) have an excellent mobile site!

It'll be useful for posting email addresses and things you don't want to be indexed.

Is that correct/good use for it?

Edit: I don't see the button, just the tags...?

Go advanced :)

Handy for the car foums as well then :D
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Can see them being useful even in the MM to be honest to hide pictures.. Maybe that's just me thinking it's useful!

How does this work then
fail ;)
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