Well I got out and get this... once again, normal law abiding (apart from speeding lol) people get right royally screwed while chavs carrying on breaking into house, stealing cars, attacking people, driving uninsured and untaxed whilst me and Dave get a 7 Day BAN with a massive fine (£585) for overtaking a car at 96mph on motorbikes on a sunny day in Wales. To say I’m livid is another story and then to rub salt into the wounds, they banned me on the spot, this is after dragging our @rses down to Dolgellou Magistrates Court instead of Mold i.e. 1 hour 30 minutes drive away and then banning us and I couldn’t move my car out of the car park to somewhere safer, couldn’t get home because there’s no trains… unbelievable… I actually said, is this ban from 12pm tonight, and she said from NOW… what’s now… 10:50am, now… now 5 seconds ago… I’ve got nothing to state when I can drive again and what time, so infact it’s not 7 days it’ll be kinda 6.5 days… Sharon (my missus) and Ulrika (Daves missus) came down, Sharon drove RX8 back for me thankfully as the car would’ve been in bits by next Monday leaving it there… absolutely furious that normal people get screwed like this…
ALSO, what makes me laugh is I get to pay more on the fine than Dave as it’s means tested… sorry, where’s the justice in this sorry? Sorry Mr Dodd, I want you to pay more for the same offence than Dave because you earn more therefore the Government and Law System can screw you over for anything they want because you got off your @rse and are working… if you’d been on Benefits Mr Dodd then we’d have fined you £50 and asked to pay in installments.