Money difficulties students

27 Jul 2005
Just curious to find out if there are any students in a similar position to me, im running outta cash. With the pathetic student loan i get its all gone after rent is payed near enough, are there any credit card companies that will throw cards at you willy nilly? What ways have you overcome your difficulties.

Please knowone say stop drinking as i dont drink hardly anything, and i buy raw materials for food and make my own lunch etc.
Do you get any help from your parents at all?

Your loan should cover your accommodation and tuition (if you have to pay) and then you should work in the summer to put a grand or two away in the bank for living expenses during the year. :o

Alternatively, you could get a term time job... working one saturday in bar will earn enough for your living expenses (at least at a northern uni :o)
Getting a job is the best way unless you either want to run up an overdraft or sign yourself up for medical experiments(a job of sorts ;)). As Raymond Lin says you may be able to get a hardship loan to tide you over until you get the next loan payment.

I'm going to have to get a job I reckon but then again it is at least partly my own fault because I go out fairly regularly.
Get a job?

I worked all the way though Uni and loads of my mates did too. It's not a big issue and it's didn't make any difference to to anyones grades at the end of the day.

Don't, on the other hand, get a credit card. Part of the problem with people getting into too much debt these days is the ease with which it's available and the fact that students are in so much debt by the time they graduate that more debt doesn't matter. If you can't meet your current obligations, how are going to cope when you have to start repaying your credit card as well?
You can get £80 on weekend if you hunt around for a job, the uni can also help with financial support. Perhaps a part time job on some week days when you are mainly free? Sacrificing social time but meh small price to pay.
When I was at university I got a job. Evenings and weekends in a computer chain store. Paid well at the time but was hard work on top of my studies.

It's the only way.
Job it is matey! Try and avoid the bar jobs I found I could drink away a nights wages after closing time most nights! Also hit the parents thats what there for assuming they have a bit of cash to spare! Speak to student admin you can almost certainly get a harship loan to tide you over and some don't even need to be repaid.

On a final note enjoy yourself while you can life doesn't get much more carefree than Uni, I wish I could be back to midweek drinking and endless counterstrike sessions!
Saved up a decent amount before I went to uni which was enough to do my 1st year, 2nd year I spent a lot less and managed with my student loan+over draft and a bit of my credit card, 3rd year I was working and saved up money for the 4th year.

Not sure if I could have done a job+uni at the same time, went out to much to really be able to work and worked to little as it was a uni. Friends of mine did diffrent jobs, usally bar work of a friday/sat as most students didn't tend to go out those nights anyway.

Well worth looking into the hardship fund if your uni does them, apparently they usally don't get enough students to fill out the money allocated to them, I'm fairly sure it's because students don't know it's there.
I have a job, but I don't need it. I'm covered pretty well money wise. But some of my mates are less so. Only thing is jobs really.

a1ex2001 said:
Job it is matey! Try and avoid the bar jobs I found I could drink away a nights wages after closing time most nights!

That's why you want to get a bar job where you get free drinks after closing time :D
Yer £20 a week does sound rather pointless, how amny hours do you work? even with a bar/pub job you could earn that in about 4 hours tops, and would save any traveling time if you could walk to the place (plus other benifits like a free drink here and there!)

Or any local shop work, would expect anything to pay more than £5 an hour and maybe a bit of double time for sundays.
I lost my job due to a stupid communication error.

I was getting over £1,000 a month there and spent nearly all my hours there.

But anyway, when I was working it was ok. Now I need to look for another job.
Skully said:
I lost my job due to a stupid communication error.

I was getting over £1,000 a month there and spent nearly all my hours there.

But anyway, when I was working it was ok. Now I need to look for another job.

same happened to me. im really stuck now, borrowing money off my flatmates etc. my problem is that i love going out and have a major weakness for take-away pizza, so gotta find a job soon! :confused:
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