Money difficulties students

triggerthat said:
I don't normally work during Uni, but will work full time for around 2-3 months during summer. Which should get me around 2-3K.

I find this to be the best way too as my degree takes up most of my time

there are, however, geography and english students ;) who only have a few hours a week of lectures. uni job might be easier for them
kaz_allen said:
same happened to me. im really stuck now, borrowing money off my flatmates etc. my problem is that i love going out and have a major weakness for take-away pizza, so gotta find a job soon! :confused:

Mine was because I couldn't work until the semester started again, in February because I was back home.

Something I told the manager, he just didn't listen and insists I didn't tell him.

Ah well, when I left, he hired nine new people :S.

Perhaps I did the work of nine?
I work three shifts per week, about 22 hours. pays me $230 (sorry, dvorak layout, not mapped pound sign yet) a fortnight. that's over $400 per month and after bills and food etc I still save over $200 pm.

Rent is so god damn expensive :(

My flatmates are killer at poker, they do naff all and earn a small living.

don't don't don't get a CC - worst thing i ever did, still paying it off now!!!!!! get a job for a couple of evenings or a day on the weekend to pay for your partying. You can save a lot of money on food etc too if you budget properly.
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