Money to burn, Creative Zen Vision:M, should I buy it?

Got mine this morning, so charged it up and had a quick look around.

The video quality looks superb and the menu layout is much as expected.

The main button in the middle is a bit fiddly, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and I'll comment further, once I've filled this baby up and watched a film on the way into work tomorrow. :)
Big Kev said:
Got mine this morning, so charged it up and had a quick look around.

The video quality looks superb and the menu layout is much as expected.

The main button in the middle is a bit fiddly, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and I'll comment further, once I've filled this baby up and watched a film on the way into work tomorrow. :)

Yeah all the reviews I read about say that people find the button a bit fiddley at first but you easily get used to it. I overscroll all the time but did you know that you can just tap the top and bottom of the touch pad to scroll up or down one item? Like the up and down arrows on a scroll bar.

Thanks for that westie17, gonna do that now :)

EDIT: Ok I've done it, how do I know if the cap has been removed successfully? I don't notice much difference :confused:
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Go to system then information or something and check the firmware version if it doesn't end in 'e' then you have the US firmware. And you did follow the instructions exactly didn't you? Including going into recovery mode and reloading the firmware from scratch. Also you did download the US firmware right?

And yeah the screen is amazing, i got a whole series of family guy on there so far and a couple of films the best part is that there is little or no conversion needed you just stick it straight on and go (for downloaded movies anyway) and they all look amazing.

You get used to the touchpad, remember you can tap up and down or hold it down to quick scroll. If you find it too sensitive you can change the sensitivity in the system menu.
westie17 said:
Go to system then information or something and check the firmware version if it doesn't end in 'e' then you have the US firmware. And you did follow the instructions exactly didn't you? Including going into recovery mode and reloading the firmware from scratch. Also you did download the US firmware right?

Yeah downloaded the US firmware and followed those inctructions and then reloaded it.

But what exactly IS the volume cap? Is it just louder or something? How do I know I've done it properly?

Yeah it now says I have the new US version.
turn it up and find out lol. europe has laws regarding audio player outputs. Though those laws are supposed to limit output in decibels, they didnt take efficiancy of earphone into concideration. i think the EU laws limit audio players to 15milliwatts, which isnt enough for people with earphones/headphone that need more power to drive the properly.

removing the EU firmware removes the cap on power:)
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I'm very impressed with the video capabilites and the album cover on display with the songs, nice touch.

I'm still having some bother with the touchpad, trying to select something is very difficult and I just can't use Autoscan with the FM, it just moves the preset up or down and won't start the scan, I'll keep mucking around with it and I'm sure my pork sausage fingers aren't helping. :)
I've sorted things out and I think it was the fact that I have a touch of a hippo :rolleyes: and once I'd gentry stroked the touchpad, it worked ok, radio now scanned and alls well.

My tube journeys will now be a more bearable experience. :)
Scott Salisbury said:
Ah cheers for the replies.

Yeah I just went for it. It arrived yesturday and I took it to work for the ultimate test and oh my god it is one amazing piece of kit.

I've threw on 4 seasons of the simpsons and some family guy so I can watch it when it gets quiet at work :D

Video quality is 10/10, smooth and clean. Sound quality is 9.5/10.

Very impressed.
did the simpsons episodes coem form a dvd or other means
so from dvds then,
thing is, the one thing stopping me fomr getting the creative is that i find it hard to get the dvds on to my psp and i figure this is the same as on the creative vision m if copy right protetcion stops you form loading on the movies then whats the point in a movie player ?
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