put it his way jezza
if this is your first monitor in a long time, or first led monitor
youre gonna love em no matter what you buy.
illyama are good and cheap and come in led aswell.
id say save your money and go for an ilyama led if it comes out cheaper than the benq and the samsung
no pitfalls that i know off
always best to ask seasoned people who use moitors and different kinds - but like i say
me and a friend always have different views on tv quality when we goout and buy them. his eyes and interpretation is diff to mine and vice versa.
id say go with pcm's advice over mine in buying a monitor hes normal im not normal lol
if this is your first monitor in a long time, or first led monitor
youre gonna love em no matter what you buy.
illyama are good and cheap and come in led aswell.
id say save your money and go for an ilyama led if it comes out cheaper than the benq and the samsung
no pitfalls that i know off
always best to ask seasoned people who use moitors and different kinds - but like i say
me and a friend always have different views on tv quality when we goout and buy them. his eyes and interpretation is diff to mine and vice versa.
id say go with pcm's advice over mine in buying a monitor hes normal im not normal lol