Monitor screen has suddenly gone white.

18 Oct 2002
Hi There

Today our receptionist was sitting at her computer as usual and the NEC MultiSunc 1770NX monitor suddenly turned completey white. I have tried the following:

1. Turning the monitor off and on again.
2. Changing the power and monitor cables.
3. Restarting the machine (it goes from a black no signal screen to the white again)
4. Trying the monitor ona different machine
5. Trying to access the montior options on the front of the monitor

Has this happened to anyone else as I have never seen this and if it completley knackered?

Right then time for a little update, and it gets stranger and stranger. I rang NEC who sent out a replacement monitor, I installed it and everything was fine, until about a day of usage where the screen was flickering, the new screen has now gone white again. If I leave the monitor on or move it about the picture comes back, then it flickers again and goes white, must be the computer I thought, however I have plugged a different monitor in and no flickering and it works fine. As the workstations in the office are all the same I figured I would plug it into the server cabinet which have different graphics adapters but the screen stayed white. I am thinking it has to be a problem with the leads, as the replacement was working fine for a day and I dont reckon NEC would send another one that just happened to have the same fault.

Any help appreciated on this one it's a real baffler.
Gonzo0 said:
Graphics card borked?

If I put a different monitor on the same computer it works fine so it cant be the graphics card. The only thing I havent tried yet (as I dont have one) is a DVI cable.
Vedder said:
If I put a different monitor on the same computer it works fine so it cant be the graphics card. The only thing I havent tried yet (as I dont have one) is a DVI cable.

ye try that. If that doesnt work then you must be very unlucky to have two dodgy monitors.
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