Monster Case - Progress Log

Thanks for the info Biffa, all the panels will be fixes using countersunk cap head bolts so it'll be a 30 second job swapping the rear panel over.

what reason so theu need the extra height if you don't mind?

Because the quad core boards extend above the io ports quite a way, about 10-12cm
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Will see what info I can did up on them regarding form factor.

EDIT: Looks very doable to fit a SWTX board although it would mean dropping down to a 360 rad in the front.

I dont see a problem with this though as in theory a 360 should fit in the roof as well, so it would still leave plenty of cooling capacity and more.

Whats cooling DarkMatter biffa?
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Whats cooling DarkMatter biffa?

A single 3x140 radiator although a combo of two 360 radiators or a 360 and 240 would suffice.

Hmm not sure a 3x140 would fit in the lower compartment with the psu flipped over. Threres room for a 3x120 in the roof and the bottom though with it laying flat.
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