Another project in the works, this is 1 of 4 projects we have lined up for the coming year but not ready to announce those yet.

Website link to main project:

Website link to main project:
We contacted Monster Studio for a chance to work together on a project on their A45 chassis, an open frame design but the motherboard is angled at 45 degrees to the floor giving it a unique viewing experience. Plenty of mounting points is pre drilled into the chassis to allow for versatile mounting locations which i intend on exploiting with some 3D printed parts.
The theme of the build will really come down to whether Kingston Technology can get me what i want for this build, i already have Carbon Fibre in mind too. Once again Bitspower will be providing us with the necessary watercooling parts so will be a little wait on them.
I don't even have a project name for this yet so suggestions are welcome! Keep it civil!

Let's begin as usual with some unboxing photos

Full Unboxing and assembly video can be found here:
some additional photo's of the assembly and test fit components installed.

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