Montage? What do you think?

If you want honest critique...
It was terrible in my opinion. It looks like you've just thrown every different transition and colour filter possible into it and clicked render. The majority of those colours are awful and don't lend to the nature of the game at all. The music choice, albeit subjective, doesn't sync well with the video clips. The lack of game sound is infuriating, and those in-game video settings remind me of watching something from 2005.

As I said, honest critique.
The intro was alright.
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Its okay if Im honest, I'd admit Im not a huge fan of FPS game killshot montages with music which is basically what you have made but for a first attempt its okay. I like the 3D intro and outro you did but for me the content was just clips sewn together with some transitions. Im guessing this was made with Windows Movie Maker? Not a bad program for doing basic video cutting and editing, I use it myself sometimes.

Sometimes videos need to tell a story if you catch my drift, now you could argue the 'story' of your video was BF Hardline killshots which is great but for me it was boring, there needs to be more variety. Like I said its not my thing but everyone likes a bit of comedy so maybe if you can capture some funny moments / glitches during gameplay and stitch together the clips that may work better and appeal to more viewers. I know stitching together clips without music is hard as it will show where the audio starts and finishes in each clip and theres no continuity. Sometimes it can work but people find it easier to just mute the clip and play music over the top.

Do you use teamspeak during gameplay and record the audio? Sometimes the players voice/commentary can add to the humour but within reason as sometimes it can just get annoying.

Ive tried many times to capture game footage and peice it together to create a video but its very time consuming just to find those moments in each recording and make a decent length video from it. Keep practicing and making vids as it will probably get easier/better.

I made this little video of Dying Light a couple months back, took me ages lol, honest opinions welcome:

Yeah I have used windows movie maker and thanks for the comments, I will try to get some funny parts to it as well. And no I did not talk to anyone on the gameplays so I might do that next time.
Too many very, very short clips broken up by transitions which take too long. Anyone can throw in their l33t killz, you need to evidence the skill in getting the shot as much as taking it.
I don't like the amount of clips where you kill one person then move to the next clip. The intro was very cool and I don't mind the music or the transitions too much. I think just try to focus on streak footage as opposed to single frags.

Very good effort though - I wouldn't be able to do it :)
Those transitions are like when your uncle gets hold of a birthday party video and a copy of Vegas studio.

They have to include every fancy transition and effect possible and end up producing something which ends up giving the family epileptic fits!
2006 says hello. 2015 says what the hell are you doing?

I think it was awful, now I'm not a fan of Hardline but don't make that think I'm being biased or spiteful but the trailer was cringeworthy.

- Too many transition effects (It was probably cool back in the day)
- Awful colour filtering
- Music although subjective was horrible (Some in game sounds, TS or In-game reactions, Chat rage (yes we like reading hackusations) or a sound track that fits the story/nature of your montage would be better)
- Too many short clips and no real skill being shown
- Montages are meant to show skill from (Killing sprees, Epic kills, for Sniper Class long range shots or a spree of aggressive PTFO kills. Yours didn't show any of that and with the low ttk in Hardline your kills were not praiseworthy)
- No slow motion clips/transitions where you performed a medley of quickscopes

Don't let it put you of though, everyone starts from somewhere and you can only grow and get better.
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as above you need to start somewhere the actual footage is terrible. there isnt anything showing any skill .

the transitioning is terrible.

also remove intro. :p

its like watching a video from start of youtube .

people want in fps videos skill and short big kills sprees in short amount of time. don't use single kills unless special. none of the shots in the video are special.
Next week I will upload my second try and then you will be able to say if it is any better. Thanks for all the comments I will try to improve, each new montage will be a small step
its a ******* montage the dude has made for his own amusement, why is it being judged as though he's trying to win a oscar.
its a ******* montage the dude has made for his own amusement, why is it being judged as though he's trying to win a oscar.

ummm because he asked to know what people thought of it....

Hey guys

I have made my first montage on BF Hardline and I would like to know what you think about it.

he's obviously trying to improve his montage making should we all just say it was lovely??
Not one of those frags was highlight worthy, single frags and assists are so boring to watch. Too many variations in transitions, lack of game sound is, as aforementioned, infuriating; the music choice was also wrong, didn't fit the movie at all.

Harsh, I know, but at least you can find out where you went wrong :p

(This is for the BF vid, naturally).
I liked it but a little bit of overkill on the transition effects. Beat timings would also help and not sure if the chosen tune was the best for that but very good and I enjoyed it :)

Might as well show one of mine for execution but all done for fun :)

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It wasn't bad take away the music, or turn it down and bring in game sounds. And take away some of them transitions, they started to hurt my brain! I felt like i was watching a Cod 4 video :D

I like your intro.

@Gregster I really like that, the music goes so well. It flows really well.
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Nice vid Gregster, great song and thanks for my vid comment. I started making a 3rd Dying Light video but never finished it, need to go back to it.
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