
This is the stupidest big budget film I've ever seen, although I have just turned it off half way through. Its not even so bad its good, it makes 2012 seem like The Godfather in comparison.
I was entertained throughout. The visuals were mostly good (except the "moon rises" and the laughably bad flooding scene) but it was the plot that gripped me. I was torn between pondering how many better films/books were mercilessly plagerised and wondering how many morons were in the script writing gaggle/team/committee.
Truly a cinematic spectacle to behold.
I think my favourite moment was when the chopper with the 2 nerdy NASA guys crashed and everyone obviously died and the leads didn't even react, give any hint that they gave a single toss or even mention it. Such feels, much brilliance.
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Watched it last night - "So bad it's Good" is the best way I have found to describe it, a bit like Sharknado :D
Review from a friend of mine.
"I can only assume that we'll shortly hear of Halle Berry's aphasia diagnosis soon then." Harsh but I can understand the reasoning.
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