mordheim-city of the damned

16 Jan 2012
Hartlepool (North East)
I have just received an E-mail regarding the game above.

Mordheim: City of the Damned is the first video game adaptation of Games Workshop's cult classic tabletop game Mordheim. Set in the Warhammer World's decimated Empire city, Mordheim: City of the Damned is a turn-based tactical game where you lead warbands into bloody and lethal skirmishes.

Official Page:

The Game is currently in early access
Great, when this thread's 50 pages long people will still be calling it Moedhwim :D

Looks great though, Warhammer X-Com basically :)
yeah i need to change the title but not sure how to do that, but this is exactly what i want in a game. I love gamesworkshop! fingers crossed it picks up haven't tried it yet.

I will do when its further in development stage
Loving the look of this game. I like how they've made it pretty close to the original game, but managed to make it a 3rd person shooter at the same time.

Anyone jumped the gun and bought the early access yet? :D
I'll buy it when it's finished :) Bit wary of putting money down after the less than stellar Space Hulk a few months back. I know it's a different developer, but I sometimes think when devs get their hands on a Warhammer license they think it will sell the game regardless of what kind of rubbish they spew out.
Interesting, what else were you expecting from Space Hulk out of curiosity? It's a pretty accurate re-creation of the board game (3rd edition).
It was just a little too accurate :) The graphics were only passable, which is a real own-goal where wh40k is concerned, people like to see the detail on the ol' space marines.

Plus it just served up the missions from the boardgame as they were with no effort to build a back story around them or introduce any kind of progression in your troops. Didn't feel like there was any love for the subject basically, just a sense of getting the job done as bare-bones as possible.

I know they've given the game a lick of paint with Ascension, but they're charging full whack for that now too, which is a bit rich,and RPS didn't think much of it in a recent review for other reasons -
Love the original but I'm wary of any GW video games at the moment. Their current policy just seems to be make them cheap and churn them out as quick as possible.
Love the original but I'm wary of any GW video games at the moment. Their current policy just seems to be make them cheap and churn them out as quick as possible.

I think GW made a strategic move from licensing to a big name developer all their rights who produce big games (Relic and Dawn of War) after Relic went under. Moved to a spam licensing and allow the developers to do with as they wish.
Picked this up at the end of last week, so did a search to see if anyone else was loving this game as much as I am.
Having just finished Xcom 2, I was happy to see 66% off this in steam, and my son has been raving about it. He's not wrong, it's superb!
Brutal at times, there's no re-loading because something went slightly wrong, something I hold my hands up to with Xcom.
I admit, I'm only on 9 hours play time currently, but I haven't been so obsessed with a game for a long time. Can't wait to finish work and do the bare minimum to get the missus off my back so I can immerse myself in this little gem again.
It has it's faults, graphics, while doing a decent job, aren't a patch on Vermintide or how Deathwing is looking. But to it's credit, the maps are well designed and do a good job of conveying the atmosphere. But the gameplay works brilliantly, no square grid to move in, you have full freedom of movement. there's an inordinate amount of skills to train in, which is a little overwhelming, but at least there's lots of options. Maybe a lot of them are superfluous and would never be picked over another, too early for me to tell.

Overall, I look to get £!/hr out of my games, I got that at a good rate with Xcom2 (44 hours from £30). I'm already on 9 hours with Mordheim and it cost me a tenner, and I can see me putting as much as Xcom2 if not more.
I picked this up yesterday on discount & have to say I was completely engrossed for hours, it is a little buggy/cluncky but I think it was certainly worth £11, I may even spring for the DLC which is rare for me.
Anyone got any tips for a noob? I'm getting spanked in most mission

What Warband are you using?

I'm 17 hours into a Sister's of Sigmar warband and can offer the following:

Pick your missions, go for the ones where you either start tightly packed round your cart, or you aren't spread out all over the map. Grouping your characters is key, any of your people who get mobbed by 2 or 3 enemies will get put out of action, meaning injuries to recover from.
Keep an eye on the bonus objective, if it's one where you have to pick up one or two tokens from named enemies, then rejoice, as this is the easiest to achieve in my experience. If one of the named enemies doesn't come to your group, then try and send a force to hunt them out, never lone scouts.
If you get the 55% of warpstones as the bonus objective, and it's one of the maps where the warpstones are all in one cluster, then Zerg your entire group to the cluster. You can also pop warpstones into the chest on your cart to drop any debuffs the warpstones applied.
I find I get so much more XP,attribute points and loot if the bonus objective is achieved. Though sometimes achieving that means breaking the group up rule, which is where tough decisions come in.
I always train the passive Intelligence skill that adds to dodge and parry chance first, seems to be working. When it comes to attributes, I go Strength, either leadership or intelligence for the second section and always weapon skill on the last (the latter mainly because Sisters of Sigmar don't have ranged).
You don't HAVE to run a mission every day, if you don't have a current delivery expected by your main sponsor, then you can afford to not run a mission till your best people are out of injury recovery or training.
Try and pick up as many warpstones as you can in a mission, never pass one by, they're the bread and butter of maintaining your warband. Even if the objectives have nothing to do with warpstones, grab 'em. On that note, salvage spots are well worth checking, as sometimes you get decent weapons. Talking of weapons, keep an eye on your equipped weapons and how many offence points the character has, there's no point putting a two handed weapon on a character with four OP, as they'll only get to swing it once and then there's two points sitting there not being able to be used (apart from disengage, which is very handy to have). Every successive swing with a two handed weapon or dual wielding costs an extra OP, so only equip heavy weapons to characters with 5 or more OP, then they can get 2 hits in. Equip shields, it enables the parry stance and certain trainable skills can give you a high percentage chance of the parry, incredibly useful when you come up against high level enemies.
Try and surround an enemy, if you stay close to the cart at the beginning and keep in ambush stance till they come to you, they will trickle in one at a time, at the most three at once, but as you'll have 7-10 people there you can surround them all and take them out in one or two turns.
It's better to spend two offence points to disengage a normal character from an enemy to make room for a hero to get in and take some swings.
Don't shy away from Hard and above missions, as long as you keep your group together you should be OK.
I "think" it's better to skip a day and get a mission where you are grouped from the start (choose the deploy option too to ensure you place your people as you want, not according to RNG).

I'm on 85% successful missions, and I know what I did wrong on the two I lost (not grouping my team, picking the wrong mission). I've managed to supply the main sponsor within a couple of days of them requesting each time and then I sell the warpstones to whichever secondary sponsor has the best price.

Also, it is a brutal game, I've found the losses bite hard, and have sacked a couple of sisters who get terrible injuries that compromised them in missions, one got "stupid" which meant they had to pass a stupidity check at the start of their turn, otherwise they stood there doing nothing, replaced them with a lvl0 recruit which was more useful.

I am still loving it after 17 hours, so for a tenner outlay, this is great VFM :D

I hope this helps Divinious, good luck.
Oh, just to add, I've also manage to get the bonus 55% of warpstones objective just by looting the warpstones the enemy has gathered, that was particularly satisfying :)
This has been on my wishlist since it appeared on Steam. Really need to pick it up but have so many other games still to play. There's not enough hours in a day.:(

Anyone know tonight's lotto winning numbers? ;)
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