mordheim-city of the damned

Thanks some good tips in there I'm playing Human Mercs & have managed to get past the early missions now with out taking too many injuries so I'm hoping it going to last! loving the game though well worth the £11 I paid.

Me too mate, now on 20hrs, and can add the following to my previous tips:

The required delivery from the primary sponsor increases each time, my last one was 185kg IIRC, first was around 75kg. Now this is a lot of Wyrdstones, so I've been saving some from when there isn't a required delivery, making the delivery easy to achieve in the required time, but I can see that becoming harder and harder as the deliveries increase further.

As soon as you hit the Warband level that allows you to recruit an Impressive, do it immediately. They're so much more powerful than two heroes, but you won't be able to recruit one till you move heroes out of the two spots underneath the impressive slot, took me several days to work that out and could have been benefiting from an impressive so much sooner.

My copy only cost a fiver as I'd been selling Steam cards dropped by using Idle Master (Made about 15 quid from the card drops remaining on my games, well worth checking out Idle Master, it tricks Steam into thinking you are running games in your library even if they aren't installed. If you've ever picked up a Humble Bundle then you have money waiting there to be claimed essentially), which means my cost to hours ratio is well into 4X now. I try to get 1:1 on pounds to hours, so this game is awesome value in my book. Even if I'd payed full price of £30 I'd still easily hit my target ratio.

I like this more than Xcom2, OK, so it isn't as polished, there are glitches and rough edges. BUT, they clearly put a lot of efforts into making the mechanics work, and considering movement etc. isn't restricted to a grid like Xcom, that's quite an achievement IMHO.
Well I bought it at the end earlier this week. Enjoying it so far. 6 missions in, 6 wins and only lost one henchman. Running with 4-5 man bands to keep it simple for now.
I was doing really well until I tried one of the story missions last night & got wiped! lost two henchmen dead, a Hero Youngblood lost an arm & two other lost a leg each plus I lost most of the weapons :( time to try a Skaven warband I think.
I bought the game with all it's DLCs back in October and it was on offer.

Started playing it yesterday and must say, it puts XCOM 2 to shame as far as combat goes.

Really good game
Finally got to have a crack at this game and only 4 missions in after doing the tutorials and some reading. Started off with Skaven and 4 missions in and I've already had 2 guys put out of action,really tough going and very intense so I'm not sure how long a session I can play at a time.
You can always log out mid battle and continue afterwards :)

But is indeed tough game, but very very entertaining.

All sorts of things can go wrong :D
For example enemy caster, failing it's own spell and insta-dying receiving 9999 damage :P

or having troops with chopped legs, arms etc....

Word of advice. The game becomes interesting when you get few warbands to level 2-3.
Delete the lot, and start fresh with 0 rank warband.

You can keep the veteran points from the previous warbands, which makes a lot of easy the initial steps of the game. Especially when you have the Master Renowned, Master Exploration and Master <i do not remember the name but the one that lowers the skill purchase>

Also for Skaven and Empire/Mercenaries is very good option to buy the Globadier/Smuggler DLC, which is today for £1.53. It opens a pretty interesting Hero option, of a very shooty character who can stand on his own on melee.

The equivalent Youngblood/or skaven choice, while good, aren't that good.
And you need a good shooty Hero from the start if you want to pull out good victories. Especially against the undead.

In addition, when you open new slot, dont go and buy straight away a new Level 0 character. Leave the slot empty. Gather money and wait until a higher level character shows up.
Yes they are expensive, but they come with Free skills choices, which outweighs their cost. (when 2 skills have 200 each, and the hero costs 300 with 2 free skills, is bargain),

The enemy AI will always field similar slot troops as you. So even if you have opened the whole warband slots, and go down with 1 Hero, 1 leader, and 1 grunt, the enemy will field the same.

As for Skaven. 2 Warpaguards with Heavy Armour, shield specialization and spear at the start, mace later on are your best tanks.
Very very hard to break even from the start.

Those two will tie up your opponents and your Leader + Second hero (with Halberdier), will charge, and mop up anything in a single turn.
Especially when you skill up the second hero for charge attacks.

In addition the other 3 (2 vermins, first hero) will rain death to the enemies with missile weapons. hence the globarier is good option here, because it comes with warp pistols, and AOE poison to soften the enemies, and when you put poison attacks, he is very very nasty with those guns. :)
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Interesting read, thanks :) I'd almost given up on ranged weapons as witch hunters because they seemed so week.

And I can't delete my warband. One of those guys lost a hand for me :)
I have had this a little while from a Humble Monthly but never installed it. It sounds really good, so going to give it a crack.

Thanks for the inspiration everyone. :D
Just do the tutorials. I went in with an "I'm an XCom veteran, I can handle this!" mentality and got my arse handed to me :D
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Interesting read, thanks :) I'd almost given up on ranged weapons as witch hunters because they seemed so week.

And I can't delete my warband. One of those guys lost a hand for me :)

Heh there are worst than can happen....


Why I say the RPG element of the game is far superior to XCOM



And here is when the enemy failed the spell and died......
(see the log on the top right corner)

Thanks for the tips Panos! I was thinking I need to pack some heavier armour as these little rats are so squishy and I would definitely like we guys to act as sponges, high natural dodge obviously helps as another buffer.

I've picked up a set of warplock pistols, not really wanting to buy the dlc unit, whilst cheap seems a bit OP so I will just work with what I've got. Would you recommend giving ranged to verminkin as a first port of call?
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