More BFBC2 woes

19 Aug 2011
I got this the other day and it's reminding me how simple console gaming is.

It's crashing my whole computer, the screen goes either black or grey stripes (I've had a couple of others but they're the usual suspects) after a game or two, total system lock down and I have to do a hard shut down with the power button.


HD 6970 maxed in CCC
i5 2500k @ 4.8ghz
ASUS P8P67 Pro w/ onboard Realtek sound
Corsair 8GB mem (2x4GB)
Corsair TX850 PSU
Lycosa and RAT9 kb and mouse
I'm running it everything maxed at 1080p

I'm fairly sure it's not overheating, I did have Afterburner running and the temps didn't go above 60C, I uninstalled that after hearing that that can cause problems. I'm trying out a recording interface as an external soundcard with the realtek sound deactivated and that's not helping. I can run The Witcher 2 fine so I doubt it's a problem with the system.

I did uninstall the Realtek drivers a few days ago and it seemed to help (though I can't say 100% since it doesn't crash after a set time, it seems to be random and I didn't play a lot those few days) but the external sound card I'm using at the moment doesn't seem to like my mic so it's not a long term solution.

Can anyone give any advice? I know the new one's out soon, but I payed £20 for this on Steam last week so I don't want to waste money, especially since I do love the game. I could buy a cheap PCI soundcard just so I can remove the Realtek drivers permanently but if I was going to do that, I'd want to know as definitively as possible that that is the cause so I'm not throwing away money. If anyone could suggest the cheapest possible sound card (internal or external) that would do the trick (I just need a stereo out and mic in, I don't use surround sound) then that would be helpful if I come to do that.

Try removing the OC on your graphics card.

I've had overclocks stable on everything(including stress tests) but not BFBC2 before :)
When you say 6970 maxed in CCC do you mean that you moved the bar to the extreme? Or do you mean its max OCed but stable?

From what you say, you moved it furthest to the right which is bad. You OCed it waaaaaaaaay too much.Should have stered OCing little by little, upping the value by 3-5, then testing in furmark to see if its stable.

I did that mind, and it was a huge mistake. You card, most probs, ain't permanently damaged, unless you keep forcing it.
I have tried it without the OC and still get the crashes. :) Thanks for the suggestions though.

On a side note about CCC, I've not unlocked it or done anything fancy, I was just too lazy to open it and find the exact clocks. It's at 950mhz core and 1450mhz on mem. I've left the other options as default. Like I say, other games (including TW2 which is hard on GPUs AFAIK) run perfectly. I get around 50-60 FPS on TW2 and don't think it's ever crashed on me. I've not used Furmark, but in Heaven it runs smoothly every time when benchmarking.

Also related that I didn't mention, the problems only seem to be MP, I've only done a couple of levels in SP but they're longer than the amount of time I can play consistently in MP so probably (not definitely) would've seen a crash if it was going to.
Thanks DG. :) It does seem retardedly buggy, when I get in I enjoy a bit of sniping, it only takes about 5 perfectly aimed shots before I hit anything usually. hehe

How long do you suggest running Furmark for? I just did the benchmark but it's only a minute hehe, I'm guessing it needs longer than that to see whether or not it's stable. I'm 99% sure it's not the problem, but I'm willing to run the test to confirm.

I'm gonna try uninstalling the Realtek drivers again and playing for a couple of hours (or until it crashes) to see if simply having them installed can cause the problem, even if the I/Os are deactivated.
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Just to add insult to your injury £20 for BC2 is a rip off, it was a fiver not so long ago :p

As above though, for some people it causes no end of problems, crashing because of overclocks/afterburner/certain sounds settings. It is pretty messy :(
Get OCCT, run the GPU Test with Error Checking enabled. Set it for 20mins, full screen, whatever your monitors default res is.

If it can pass that with 0 errors your card is fine.

As for BFBC2, never had a problem with it myself been solid as a rock on every card I've owned. Also, for sniping, you are aiming high to compensate for bullet drop yes?
As for BFBC2, never had a problem with it myself been solid as a rock on every card I've owned. Also, for sniping, you are aiming high to compensate for bullet drop yes?

Sounds like he's not played it long enough to figure that out for himself yet anyways :p
I don't mind paying £20 for it, if I can get it working, it's worth it. I saw it cheaper on disc but I thought I'd go for the Steam version out of lazyness. hehe

I've played it a fair bit on PS3, I've just only got it recently for PC. :) Yes, I know about bullet drop (one of the things I love about the game) but even if I lined up with someone's head, it should still hit their body or at most, legs. The hit box problem is a well known one. :)

0 errors on OCCT for 20 mins.

I tried it again before running OCCT without the Realtek drivers and got a CTD instead of the usual freeze, I've not rebooted yet though so gonna do that and try again.

EDIT: well that's helpful, I rebooted and it automatically installed the Realtek drivers on startup. Great stuff. haha
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*Slight* over dramatisation there.

not really gamed with hundreds of people and obviously ran servers since come out how many you see just randomly crash every couple of rounds since come out is a bit daft.

also when you see the ranges of things that it crashes for .

i would say it is the buggiest game for last 5 years online.
not really gamed with hundreds of people and obviously ran servers since come out how many you see just randomly crash every couple of rounds since come out is a bit daft.

also when you see the ranges of things that it crashes for .

i would say it is the buggiest game for last 5 years online.

Having run one server doesn't really mean that you're any better off than the rest of us. Lots of us on here have ran many servers and "gamed with hundreds of people".

The game isn't bug-free but no game is. Just because you've played this one more recently doesn't mean that it's suddenly more buggy than ones you've not played so recently.
Forgot to mention, you did have Vsync disabled when testing yes? If so then your card looks fine and your problem is elsewhere.

I don't think so. I'll give it another go.

My computer's having to do a system restore now. Doh, gonna give removing the drivers via the device manager instead of add/remove programs a go to see if that removes them permanently rather than automatically installing them on boot up again, if that doesn't work, I may have to write off the game totally as I don't want to damage a new, expensive machine.
You mentioned you are running Afterburner. I have had issues with BFBC locking up aswell and read somewhere may could be due to Punkbuster having troubles with Afterburner's low-level hardware access interface (options). Think you can also rename/delete RTCore.cfg in your afterburner folder. Havent given it a long enough test yet but might be worth a try.
Ok, so I removed the drivers again (via device manager) and it installed them again without giving me an option to cancel. Does it do this even if you have a sound card installed? It seems stupid that you can't remove some drivers permanently even if you're using other solutions (like my external sound card).

Need to do a clean up now after the system restore too, it's telling me that components of MSI Afternburner are missing when I boot (no surprise, it's been uninstalled) and Norton is having to repair it's self.

What a pain in the bum!
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