More candids from me :)

18 Oct 2002
Hi Guys,

I have posted a couple of these before, but as I have now amassed a collection, thought that I would post the images for all to see. I personally think that they could be better, but I don't have the confidence, or the time to work on building it up. Having said that, I think these are of an adequate standard for an amateur, and I hope to eventually improve over time.

Most of them were taken, 'shooting from the hip', others were framed less recklessly :).

The exif info should be intact throughout:

1. One guy picked out from the crowd, with a gradual desaturation towards the outside to emphasise him.

2. Just a guy, chilling out on a bench, having a coffee.

3. A suspicious looking chap on his phone...

4. A couple, both of whom I reckon would prefer to be elsewhere.
5. Another guy picked from a crowd, walking around town.

6. Mmmmm, burgers...

7. Some striking shadows on the pavement of a dad and his boy.

8. Shopping.
9. An old woman, very obviously amused by her companion!

10. A headless man with a walking stick.

11. Taking a break.

Comments would be most appreciated :)

nice photos.... like the black and white ones... some of the shots on an angle get a bit repetative tho...
really like these. numbers 2 and 6 are my faves. i like these kind of photos a lot and like Phoenix_Cosmos says there should be more of these style of pics around here. i must pluck up the courage and go and take some of my own

great work
Phoenix_Cosmos said:
I cant help but think that its
Dad and girl.. Either that or may god watch over that boy in school :P

I liked these shots. This place doesnt get enough people shots. Well done :)

Agreed! Its really good to see something different from a hill :p
Cheers guys!

When I posted before everyone came to the conclusion that the angles were a bit on the angley side, so for the newer photos I have tried to keep them flatish, and I think they are a lot better for it.

As for being a girl, I am sure that when I took the photo I thought that it was a little boy, so have thought so until now. However looking back at the photo now you have said that, tis a bit on the girly side...

Kimmet very well done, its a breathe of fresh air to see some photo's that portray people and there essences. You shouldnt put to much importance on the angles, they are as important as capturing the myths and stories in a shot.
I know that doesnt make sense as such but when i look at your photos, you have captured (maybe without realising) what makes a photo into something special.

The husband and wife (maybe) so much can be drawn from those expressions. People by the consumer giant mcdonalds who are fat. The first man who looks as if his life is passing by him.

I love these shots, probably some of the best ive seen in a while. 9/10
Oh, one thing I forgot to say, any of them say perspective to anyone :). I went out trying to get some perspectivey photos as well, but wide-angle shots of buildings aren't particularly exciting, even if they do stick to the theme well. (so, no judges please)

Again, ta for the comments! I was just trying to capture a snapshot of everyday life, hopefully I have suceeded.

I think some of those photos are stronger than others, the one with the man you can't see walking with a stick would have been great if it was a little sharper. I like the A boards and him walking with his legs opened, there is rhythm to it. The second shot has good colours and contrast. The others didn't do so much for me.
id say the first one screams persepective, but thats my opinion, and i have been certified professional yet, :D not till next year, and i dont think any of the judges ave been either.

If you asked me, id say its his perspective on life, and many things can be drawn from that. It really depends on what perspective means.
lies all lies kimmet! The first one wasn't meant to be a picture of that guy was it? I think it was a disguise for the hidden talent in there :p

I like these candid photos, I myself would also like to take more of these, being in glasgow tho I think if I took a pic of the wrong person it wouldn't go down too well for me :p
quite like some of those
#5 looks like it was taken in nottingham!?
2 7 and 9 stand out for me I think
interesting stuff
Colin_da_Killer said:
lies all lies kimmet! The first one wasn't meant to be a picture of that guy was it?... being in glasgow tho I think if I took a pic of the wrong person it wouldn't go down too well for me :p

The picture was meant to pick one person out of the crowd, I was on the top of a slope, looking down into a very busy street, so used the old zoom function to compress perspective a bit, and tried to pick someone out. In the unedited version, it didn't work that well, so I just tried to emphasise what I was trying to do in the first place. But to answer what you said, no it wasn't that guy in particular, I was just looking to show one person from the crowd, all of whom are there for completely different reasons, looking for different things, thinking different things, yet when observed, seem to be one large mass.

As for taking a picture of the wrong person, this guy didn't look all to happy at having his photo taken!:


Dizmatt: They were all taken either in Nottingham town centre, or in Beeston.

Haha that guy looks so angry. Even his shirt is swearing at you.

And Colin, I thought you were referring to the out-of-focus hottie in the front right :P.
Ans by the by, Kimmett has two T's!
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