More scum - Father gets life for baby murder

iCraig said:
i hate to say it, but nothing shocks me in this world anymore.

Its just disgusting and pathetic, but what makes it worse is that I've heard it all before :(

Same with me, I remember the James Bulger death, I was only 10, that really did shock me and from then on I knew nothing could shock me.

I bet they where on the dole and smackheads, sometimes i think people should be given the RIGHT to have a baby.
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worse than animals - i will never understand/comprehend why or how people to go out of their way to do something like this
It makes you think about what is goin through this monsters mind whens he's doing this evil things....

How could any1 bring themselves to do such vicious thing, especially to something so small and defenseless!!!

Hope his prison sentence is hell!!!!!
I read this article and that guy is sick.
But I heard many news stories lately (in Ireland anyway) where the woman kills the children. A week or two ago, a woman killed her two boys (before killing herself) when her husband was away on business. She locked the doors or the house and knifed them, leaving blood everywhere. Reports said she was a loving mother and there was no explanation for what she did.
Another woman took her son for a walk on the beach, and drowned him.

Of course there are differences between both cases, this man was a violent psycho, and the women were "loving mothers" but at the end of the day all of these people are child killers who should be locked up for the rest of their natural lives (unless they do the decent thing and kill themselves first).
Piggymon said:
And she calls herself a mother ???!! :mad: ... I don't care how dominating a man is you DO NOT let ANYONE harm a hair on your little one's head

I was thinking exactly the same thing. I understand that she was in a dangerous situation but she was "too scared" to contact anyone about it? I can't say i agree with that.
That poor baby. It didn't stand a chance. I can't understand why or how any parent can do that to their own children. It goes against instinct and morality.
Why do people keep posting these type of depressing news reports?

Its horrible sick stuff we know but not something everyone here really needs or wants to discuss about (really?), i rarely watch the news because of the depressing nature of the world.

Whats with the news anyway, why do reporters feel the need to find the sickest/worst stuff so often, people die all the time in many bad ways but really what good does it do for the public to hear about them all the time?
AJUK said:

too right, 4 of em, 1 for each hand and 1 for each foot - 1 horse on each rope, pull lads, job done.

Matblack said:
Sometimes I feel I live on a different planet to some people, I can't believe any member of my species could do things like this. :(


I know where you're coming from Matt. We are meant to be civilised and yet most of the time we are nothing but the lowest of the low (present company excluded of course ;) ).
I can't get my head round what the hell goes through some folks minds at times.
sniffy said:
I sincerely hope that mother has her reproductive organs removed.

Words truely fail me for that man..
I do not consider it to be a man, it is nothing more than vermin who should be eradicated. I, like most decent people, don't give a toss about all the reasons why he did it or the arguments over the deterrent value of capital punishment, I want it hung for no other reason than revenge. Seeing that piece of filth's squirming carcass twitch its last desperate breath will bring me some comfort and make the world a cleaner place.
TBH they both looked like the missing link anyways.... i doubt very much the poor thing would have grown up to be normal anyway.

Hopefully now his picture is on the BBC the boys inside will see whats hes in for and make his life as short and painful as is customary. I have no doubt the other "creature" will be dropping sprogs again within months.... lets just hope the carefully chosen new father will actually be caring and not just a shaved gorilla like this one. :rolleyes:
Being a father of a young child I simply can't understand how anyone can do this to a baby. It's just impossible for me to comprehend. And it makes me angry. So angry. A young child is the most precious thing in the world. I'd give my own life before letting anyone harm my child.
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