They are / were low yes but compared to what? 1980s? What is normal? I dont think its possible to go from 0/1% (pre covid) to 5% plus in say 6-9 months and hold this.. however i could be wrong. 8% for me doubles my 400k mortgage from 2% ish . I love economics and the money market i find it all fascinating and i wish i was clever with it. I mean covid loans for example are based on base rate and will be huge for so many company’s it will likely cripple them too… simply cant be this high for the country to function there’s to much debtthat is half the issue, they are not high interest rates... we just had it stupidly low for to long.
people coming off a 1% to a 6% - 8% come Q2 next year are gonna really feel it.
while the Bank is at odds with the gov i can only see more and more rises ahead.
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