My mate lives like a monk and spends nothing. He has spent thirty odd years doing this and has a huge chunk of cash in a current account.
He's not far off sixty, and his health is visibly deteriorating. He has no kids.
I've been telling him to enjoy it while he can for the last five years. I doubt he will ever do anything.
He'll be the richest man in the graveyard, with nothing to show for it.
Similar to my best friend. Nearly 40 years old, lives with this parents. Never traveled or even left the UK. Doesn't drive or have an license, only a bus pass. Single, no kids. Working an dead end, minimum wage job. With loads of cash in his current account because he's done nothing with his life. You can see he is miserable AF.
I have told him plenty of times, time is running out. He better get off his backside and do something with his life before its too late. But hes just lazy.
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