Mortgage Relationship Query

Takers will always take shamelessly. It's up to the other person to draw the line somewhere.

A relationship should be a bit of give and take from both parties involved. If one person does all the taking and the other person does all of the giving it's not really a relationship is might as well be indentured servitude.
I think the OP’s brother is an utter moron, but it’s hilarious that this computer tech forum filled with a lot of clear incels, to the point where there is such a lack of self awareness it has resulted in calls for the term incel to be banned.

I love this forum, it’s so perfect and does its job better than I could ever imagine.
And once again, you can't resist a chance to have a pop at the community. Why are you still even here?
Ok so ignoring the fact that it's totally insane - how does this work from a taxing point of view. Can you just "gift" half the house, and she doesn't have to pay any tax or anything?
In fact, the OP actually said...
ang0 said:
He's decided to put 50% of the house in her name, technically gifting 50% of equity to her, mortgage is in his name.

And I'm sure there was no influence from her at all in "his" decision? ;)

My problem isn't so much the "giving away equity", as the fact she seems to be contributing nothing. He's putting in all of the work and all of risk, she's getting all of the reward.
And once again, you can't resist a chance to have a pop at the community. Why are you still even here?

Who doesn't like to come here and look down on us unenlightened "far-right incel" folk?

This forum is very rare in this version of the internet, and people hate it so much they can't look away even when it goes against their world view. Almost like a disgust fetish.
Ok so ignoring the fact that it's totally insane - how does this work from a taxing point of view. Can you just "gift" half the house, and she doesn't have to pay any tax or anything?

Not directly, it comes under Inheritance Tax rules (since the value would be over all the other types of annual gift exemptions) so as long as he lives more than 7 years then the "gift" is tax free. If he were to die within 7 years then a tapered % would be added back to his estate to be assessed under IHT
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And I'm sure there was no influence from her at all in "his" decision? ;)

My problem isn't so much the "giving away equity", as the fact she seems to be contributing nothing. He's putting in all of the work and all of risk, she's getting all of the reward.

Who knows what she's putting into the relationship. Many ways to contribute without it being monetary.

The way I see it, if there are people (male and female) that are this foolish to think they won't possibly be in a situation at some point where they could lose half, then let them do it - if they can't protect themselves then I have no idea how they get the money in the first place to buy a house as it must require a base level of intelligence to play these scenarios through to see the issues. Even better, if they know the risk, accept it and still go ahead, then it's really none of anyone else's business tbh.
Who knows what she's putting into the relationship. Many ways to contribute without it being monetary.

Well, she's not contributing anything financially, and she's not looking after his kids...

If the house is always spotless and he gets a hot home-made meal every night after work then fair enough I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The way I see it, if there are people (male and female) that are this foolish to think they won't possibly be in a situation at some point where they could lose half, then let them do it - if they can't protect themselves then I have no idea how they get the money in the first place to buy a house as it must require a base level of intelligence to play these scenarios through to see the issues. Even better, if they know the risk, accept it and still go ahead, then it's really none of anyone else's business tbh.

Agreed, but you can't really blame the OP for wanting to look out for his brother!
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Don't know if this is appropriate to put in here, I didn't want to open a new thread, but just would like some quick thoughts on this arrangement.

My brother is about to complete on a house with his partner (not married). He's put 100% of deposit down, and will be paying 100% of the mortgage. His partner does not work, and won't be contributing to any of the bills. He's decided to put 50% of the house in her name, technically gifting 50% of equity to her, mortgage is in his name. If anything happens and they split, she will just cop 50% and he'll either have to buy her share back (his money) or sell, correct?

Please tell me that I'm not the only one to think this is completely and utterly insane. I've tried talking to him about it, he thinks it's completely normal

Unless they have kids and she's a stay at home mum, I'd be making sure I'm 100% on the mortgage not 50/50.

I've seen and known many horror stories where this has become quite a big issue.

If she's not a stay at home mum her life must be ever so boring. She better be making sure that house is spotless and the dinners on the table for when he walks in, and none of that microwave/ pre-packed stuff either, I'd be expecting everything to be fresh.

Shed better be putting out daily aswell or at least a bj.

Edit: sorry didn't read while thread that states she has kids

But agree with others, Simp written all over that.

Dangerous way of living,
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My wife and me have 50/50 share of the house. I did put more towards deposit but it was essentially written off my end of anything changes so I accept that. But it’s a small sum compared to 50% of the property value.
Yep.... Your married so its 50:50 whatever even if you owned it 100% beforehand
And once again, you can't resist a chance to have a pop at the community. Why are you still even here?

There are some excellent posters here, the topics are UK based, and the rubbish posters provide excellent content for those looking in, as well as helping one test ones convictions and stances on things.

Only a fool surrounds himself with purely yes men. I’d much rather surround myself with mainly people who disagree with me, it’s a much better discussion. Having such a high level of animosity from so many unrecognisable faces who go out of their way to post after me, all the way through to posters who DM me thanking me for my services to posting greatness, and all those in between, I’m very grateful for.

Plus it’s a good shop and the motors section is excellent.
I would like to know the full story behind this.

Did she ask for 50%? If so, what was the reasoning behind this?

Did he offer? Again if so, why would he do this?

Op should furnish us with more info.

And pics :)
There are some excellent posters here, the topics are UK based, and the rubbish posters provide excellent content for those looking in, as well as helping one test ones convictions and stances on things.

Only a fool surrounds himself with purely yes men. I’d much rather surround myself with mainly people who disagree with me, it’s a much better discussion. Having such a high level of animosity from so many unrecognisable faces who go out of their way to post after me, all the way through to posters who DM me thanking me for my services to posting greatness, and all those in between, I’m very grateful for.

Plus it’s a good shop and the motors section is excellent.
Then cut it out with the snide comments towards the rest of the community please.
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