don't even think about interest only, bad idea at best of times and government announced today that they are going to put pressure on banks to stop them
Interest Only mortgages are completely retarded and should be banned. .
I am both confused and surprised at those comments from you two, IO mortgages certainly have their place in the market, and are the best repayment mechanism for the financially astute buyer. My mortgages are on an IO basis albeit with no tie in period nor overpayment clauses. This is by far the most flexible way to service a debt. You are free to repay capital as, and when you like, to the tune which suits yourself. Repayment products have no purpose other than to force small, usually insignificant monthly repayments, which could and should be paid on an IO loan anyway.
That aside, i agree with the advice here, this whole plan is flawed and frankly isnt worth pursuing as it will not go ahead based on what has been outlined in this thread.