Our mortgage is about £550 a month but kept it at the £745 payment it was before on the fixed rate a few years ago. For the past year and a half I'm putting another £750 in so pretty much £1500 month.
25 years is a short term anyway!
If I had a mortgage of around 180k over 25 years and overpaid by around £100 per month, roughly how many years would this typically knock off? Obviously not an exact science but a rough idea would be good.
If I had a mortgage of around 180k over 25 years and overpaid by around £100 per month, roughly how many years would this typically knock off? Obviously not an exact science but a rough idea would be good.
Overpaying would save you
£12,322 in interest alone,
and mean you pay it off in full
3 years and 9 months earlier.