Mosh pit ate my watch


:D :D

What?! I heard he had a kettle on stage!?
I am still looking forward to their new stuff

Truly dreadful, unless I suppose you are an avid fan of the songs and knew them. Time signatures all over the place, scatty melodies that never went anywhere. It was ghastly to be honest, worst act of the weekend for me! The kettle was stupid and pretentious :o

There are some of those neon watches I was on about over the first few pages of this catalogue... can't quite find the style I was on about, but you get the jist:
Truly dreadful, unless I suppose you are an avid fan of the songs and knew them. Time signatures all over the place, scatty melodies that never went anywhere. It was ghastly to be honest, worst act of the weekend for me! The kettle was stupid and pretentious :o

Yep, avid fan here.

They do ooze pretentiousness though :p

Time for a nice 16 minute blast of Tetragrammaton
Yeah I did see them, didn't get on with it. The stuff has next to melody, I'm all for changing up genres and I'm a big fan of prog, but they were seriously dire.

A mate told me for one of their albums they wrote the lyrics using a Ouija board then wrote the music after stoned :s not for me.

Any other suggestions? I'm really not a fan of digital watches
I know it's nothing like what you've described, but this is clearly the perfect opportunity for you to discover the great piece of engineering that is the Casio Illuminator.

Seriously, they're cool now.

I'll validate that. It's a great little watch, but then I'm one of those people who still 'think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.' :D

@ PapaLazaru, lol it's gold, gold!
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