Most Embarasing Thing Someone Did to You.

30 Jan 2006
Title says it all, these threads are always good, this time, not what you have stupidly said, more what others have stupidly that back fired on you, through no fault of your own.

Mine is a recent call I had from an old uni friend.

She was seeing one my closest friends before we all went to uni about. Needless to say when they ended up at different uni's things didn't go well for them, I was a shoulder to cry on, and helped her through some bad times after she spilt up with her bloke, my mate. I hold it very true that you should never fiddle with a mates Ex, nothing happened between us.

We were quiet good mates through uni and people were always saying we had something going on, I insisted we didn't becouse we didn't. We kept running into each other when drunk in clubs and stuff, and often slept at each others place becouse more booze was available to drink. Nothing happened, ever but mates on the team I played for had loads of fun trying to stir up stuff.

After she finished Uni, she went traveling or something and didn't here from her for a couple of years, didn't really think much of it to be honest, I knew a lot of people at uini and can't keep track of all of them, thought it was one of those things. We exchanged a few emails but traveling in the thrid world her mail account expired and lost all her emails i've later found out.

Mel wanted to get in contat with me again and she phoned the Uni, told them she had a big surprise for me. (remeber everyone thought I was poking her), they wouldn't give my contact details out, but reffered her to the SU, they remembered me (I was a sabatical officer for a year and so a lot of the SU knew me, and thought i was poking her), they don't have my contact details, or are unwilling to give them out. But put her on contact with the sports team i played for, the current president knows of me, i helped coach the year he started, and knoew the rumours i was poking her.

He asked a couple of his Mates, "That lass Badger was poking, has got a big surprise for him......" they didn't know my number, then the coaching of the teamgot involved and he contacted someone who played on the team the same time i played, "Badger got a big surpise comming..." a few people all talk to each other, then one of my mates finally hears that this lass is after me. He gets her number of the coach, spend an hour or so talking about how funny it is that she wants me to contact her.

They then contact her, she won't tell them what the big surprise is incase they warn me. ("Badger definetly poked her, the lying ****er! servers him right she chasing him for CSA......" they must think).

They give her my number, she happy, and phones me straight away.

She's getting married and wants me to go to the service in the summer, she tells me how hard it was to get my number and that she must have talked to 30 people to get it.

Ove the next few days I get calls from old mates from Uni, gloating about how they knew I was poking her and it serves me right i've been caught with a kid. My mates phoned and gloted and now all the people I knoew whilst at uni, think i lied to them for three years and she has had my kid.

The reunion in a couple of months is just going to be a complete take.
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ive had people saying i was "porking" someone when i wasnt( LOADS of people were saying it to me all the time). it got very annoying so i understand your annoyance.
as for embarrassing things being done to me? meh.. i have a memory like a fish so cant remember any :p
my memory is total recall. I wouldn't curse it on anyone. All those lucky people who go out get drunk, do stupid things then say in the morning, "I can't remember" must be bliss.

When fueled by alcohol, i remember every stupid thing that happens.
At one of my birthday parties (I think my 7th) i had a load of friends round. As we had a huge garden and it was the end of june we were all playing outside.

My dad thought it would be hilarious to pull my shorts down in front of everyone, lucky it was only my shorts.

Sounds silly now but its always bothered me!
Lmao this is going to sound so stupid.

When i was still at school i farted, and the teacher like looked up.

Everyone in the class was laughing. Then some kid pointed out it was me.

So embarrasing :(
this chick that i kissed in a club spread a rumour that we slept together because i wouldn't sleep with her (stealth moose :o) and she was like "yeah, i was too much for him....gone in 60 seconds". if anything would've been gone, it'd have been my boner, love!

stuff like that doesnt normally embarass me, but she told...EVERYONE. it took me ages to convince everyone that she was a lying strumpet.
Bitchplz said:
Lmao this is going to sound so stupid.

When i was still at school i farted, and the teacher like looked up.

Everyone in the class was laughing. Then some kid pointed out it was me.

So embarrasing :(
I had that, it was in German class, and the teacher starting commeting on how I'd be eating backed beans or something, everyone was in stitches, I just wanted my desk to eat me :(
If any teacher tried to embarass me (to my credit I very rarely get embarassed) I used to always make sure I got them back. The fact that I'm a bit of a cheeky lad with the gift of the gab helps a lot. It used to always back-fire on the teachers.
I have a few, but I'll tell the only one that involves an actual clown.

Me and my cousin went to a fair, there was lots to do, but the best thing we spotted was a rope slide. So we take turns gently pushing aside all the smaller children to have turn after turn. I went up for the last time and flew down the rope. My cousin was standing near the end. I jump off early for a laugh and near cripple myself. But I get up and walk towards him. Now a nearby clown spotted me and quickly ran behind me and then copied whatever I did. My cousin was laughing, I thought it was because I nearly broke a leg jumping off early. So we both start to walk towards home and my cousin is still laughing. I get a little angry and swear at him. He laughs even harder. I turn around and this clown had been pretending to talk when I talk and doing a silly walk (this is for a few minutes now, the fair is 200yards behind us), but my cousin said when I swore, the clown pulled the most ridiculous face and started flapping his arms. Now, I have a fear of clowns and when I seen him standing so close to me I near soiled myself. *Flashbacks of being a kid watching Stephen King's IT* I was quite embarassed but at least my cousin added a couple of hours to his life by laughing so much on the way home. :)
Nix said:
If any teacher tried to embarass me (to my credit I very rarely get embarassed) I used to always make sure I got them back. The fact that I'm a bit of a cheeky lad with the gift of the gab helps a lot. It used to always back-fire on the teachers.
I am the same and it has got me in trouble a lot of the time. Also get loads of laughs.

Last night I was at my friends and was flicking through the channels. Uni. Challenge was on (I dont watch it). As I was flicking I noticed someones surname was "Cockrayne".

I said to my friends, haha look at that. It's basically "Wee".

About 30seconds later it clicked and they started laughing.
A bloke attempted to kiss me last night, not on the lips, but still..... it actually warrants the most embarrassing thing someone has done to me in my life.
My moment was fairly recent. It happened at the leaving doo for a gym instructor from my local gym and I was there with my bro, best mate and a female mate of his.

Got talking a fair bit to one of the women from the gym on the night, got on really well and that. So got to the end of the night, was thinking right try at least get her number. Before I even had a chance to say 'a' my best mates female companion (extremely drunk at this time) jumped in and pretty much said to her "So are you going to give him your number or what". :eek:

I nearly collapsed, was absolutely stunned. What made it more embarrasing was that she blurted this out infront of half a dozen people from the gym too.

At least the lady in question saw the funny side :p
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