Most famous people to go to your school?

Altrincham grammer.
Ian Brown and John Squire of the Stone Roses.

Fred Talbot the Granada weatherman was biology teacher.
In my time:
The Brownlees (woo I was in the same cross country races as them years ago!).
Georgie Henley (the Narnia girl - bit of a stuck up ****).

Before my time:
Alastair Campbell
Whatever the kaiser chiefs' bassist's name was
Charlie Hodgson (Rugby)
Adrian Moorhouse (swimmer)
Current Lord Mayor of London (I forget the name)
Boris Rankov (won the boat race 6 times or something silly - they made a rule to stop anyone else doing it and named it after him!)
Ricbard Nerurkar
David Hockney
Sir Morrison (Of Morrison's)

And looking at Wikipedia a bunch of other people who don't count as famous, I don't think.
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