Most Improved Bands?

Woody__ said:
At the Drive-In. Refused. It could be argued that Dillenger Escape Plan got better depending on your perspective on Miss Machine.

At the drive in def got better. and the only reason the refused didnt get worse was because they knew they had just written one of the best albums every that they couldnt top so they split
SidewinderINC said:
Avenged Sevenfold!
You have got to be kidding me. The first, second and third times I seen this band live (all on WTF tour) they were rather good. Then on the first CoE tour they were terrible. Synester Gates has disappeared up his own backside and is no where near as good a guitarist as he seems to believe he is (when I seen them in Manchester he done a 3 minute solo on his own and it was one of the sloppiest, simpliest, and just down right shockingly bad attempts at showing off I'd ever heard. I actually left the room half way through because I couldn't tolerate it) and now the band use a backtracking for all the screaming live. They're went from stabbing the scene that spawned them in the back, to claiming that they want to be the band that replaces Metallica and GnR in the hearts and minds of those who love the aforementioned bands. They're practically a GnR tribute band now and that's never a good sign. Bring back the breakdowns and screaming, is what I say.

Really arrogent idiots now too.
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SidewinderINC said:
many people do, depends what kind of music you like more. i'm not saying i dislike their old stuff, but i really rather like guitar prominent music with more singing vocals and less screaming/shouting what have you.

dont get me wrong, i love those style of vocals, what with having plenty of killswitch to listen to heh.

nobody is wrong in this thread really, because bands change and then other people like em hehe.

with A7X its definately a 50/50 split between city of evil and their older stuff.

i like all 3 albums, they go in reverse order for me (im glad you didnt start on the old "city of evil is so great" thing, i get really annoyed by it lol)

and tbh killswitch should be metioned in this thread, wasnt impressed by there first, second blew me away
m3csl2004 said:
i like all 3 albums, they go in reverse order for me (im glad you didnt start on the old "city of evil is so great" thing, i get really annoyed by it lol)

and tbh killswitch should be metioned in this thread, wasnt impressed by there first, second blew me away
But their third is the weakest...
thefullcollapse said:
At the drive in def got better. and the only reason the refused didnt get worse was because they knew they had just written one of the best albums every that they couldnt top so they split
That and Dennis was being very controlling with the band.
Lovejoy! said:
err, maybe not? seen the dvd?
That was the other band memebers reasons for the leaving the band. I'm pretty sure the DVD doesn't cover everything that ever happened in the band now, does it?
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