motherboard and CPU advice

15 Nov 2014
good evening guys,

I've always managed to get some brilliant advice form you lot so i'm here again :)

I am looking to mod a chair with 2x 50w aura transducers. I've looked into it and I found a decent Dayton 100w amp but my old card only has 3 audio jack sockets (line in, line out, mic in) and not the 6 with one being the sub-woofer channel. For this reason i'm looking at getting a new mini-itx board and I have a few questions:

1) Do i bother upgrading the CPU if i'm going to change the board?
2) Does anyone have any tips on a decent board for my current CPU/a recommended new CPU? (needs full audio outputs)
3) should I just man up and give up on the mini-itx dream and get a mid tower, a full MB and enjoy the extra room for when i can finally afford a 1080ti?

bonus question: oh on a side note, I occasionally get booted to bios.. not entirely sure if its an overheating issue or a power issue but when i do the bios can't find the SSD that I have my OS installed to.. i have to shutdown and turn it back on a min later and its all fine. system doesn't appear to run hot though. any tips would be helpful.

cheers guys,

current system (micro build) (runs vr addequately, most non vr/non ultra HD titles very well)
case: cooler master elite 130 mini itx
CPU: 4.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-4790K (bought in 2015)
cooler:cooler master seidon 10m liquid cooler kit
+ modded an extra case fan into the side of the case.
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
ram: corsair vengenance 2x8gb ddr3
power suppy: Corsair CXM 430W Semi Modular 80+ Bronze Power Supply
ssd: crucial mx100 256GB
hd: 1tb hybrid
I would look in to alternatives such as a USB DAC or external sound card. Reason is that the 4790K is a very capable CPU and I would be very reluctant to replace it. Sure an 8700 is better, but it's an extremely expensive upgrade, and certainly for games it's not really worth it. You will get far, far more for your money if you buy a GTX1070. The GTX 1070 is way faster than the 970, whereas there is a pretty small difference between a 4790K and an 8700K when it comes to games.
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