Mothers Day flowers - found a code

24 Nov 2004
Don't forget it's on Sunday!
Been hunting for a good discount code and found this..

Found code DMUM for 10% off and they deliver up to and ON Mothers day itself.
yeah my buddy got stung by that interflora 'scheme' at valentines.. teleflorist use local florists I think, got a nice delivery from them for the wifes birthday anyway, was well chuffed.
For those who think such days are so commercialised, why don't you go home and help your mom do some DIY or even washing up? I'm pretty sure it'll cheer her up equally as buying flowers or gifts.

I am going to get my mum something this year. I use to buy her flowers but stopped during college + uni :(
Whether you are going to buy flowers for your mum or not, don't use Interflora or any of the national flower delivery companies.

You get much cheaper and nicer flowers by just finding the nearest florist to your mum/gf etc and ring them up and order locally.

Quite often this is all Interflora and other national ones do but charge you £20 for the priviledge of finding the nearest florist to where you are sending them.
Greebo, too true.. thats why i use teleflorist, they use florists local to the delivery area so you get decent flowers as opposed to the boxed rubbish from the big online retailers.
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