
9 Nov 2003
Over the last few months I have been browsing the forums and have see allot of people having interviews and allot of people getting new jobs.

Now I hate my job with a passion and have from day one but 3 years on I just can’t seem to find the motivation to start looking for a new one, I don’t know if this is because I am in a comfort zone where I know exactly what I am doing know the people who I work with and so on or if I am just a lazy git (I personally think it’s the latter).

I guess my question is how do you guys get the motivation, some in here will say I already have because I hate my job but I just can’t seem to find it :(
Triad2000 said:
It doesn't take much work to tart up the CV and upload it to some job sites - you may be suprised about how many calls you get. Make sure the CV doesn't go on and on for pages and that it's to the point.

Of course, the ultimate kick up the backside to get another job is either to resign when you haven't got something else to go to (high risk) or if you are made redundant.

Thats just it i have tried Monster and it was rubbish and also Reed and like you say loads of phone calls that all amounted to nothing, We will send off you CV and get back to you, never to hear from them again, thats when i start to lose all motivation.
kola said:
comfort zone and i'm lazy is my excuse ;-)

Dude you never gonna leave you have got it too easy lol, i used to work there with you mate i know what its like and if they had never made me redundant i would probably be there with you still ;)
kola said:
Indeed 2mill loss over the last year :rolleyes: I might as well quit knowing the company which is going to buy us out lol

Oh dear thats not good i have just read the artical! Looks like you need some motivation to get a new job then.
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