yh the choke is just for cold starting,once bikes warmed up 2 to 3 minutes turn off the choke,or it'll cough n splutter n stall
Could be that the valve clearances have closed up and it's losing compression. A good swing on the kickstart will spin the engine over more quickly than the relatively puny starter motors on these things, which would give a better chance of starting.
Yeah its definitely a thing, usually caused by seized or sticking caliper pistons, but the discs can be straightened though so don't bother getting a whole new set.
Can you not fit them yourself, or have a mate/family member who could? if they are charing £40 to fit a disk thats a joke lol.
And no probably not, the place I used was £50 to straighten a set.
but will cut if jerk the throttle back whilst it's idling
This is normal on bikes with carbs. You should wind it back gradually not jerk, is it OK then?
This is normal on bikes with carbs. You should wind it back gradually not jerk, is it OK then?