Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord announced!

Essentially you ride around a map recruiting peasants and mercenariesto train up and fight in battles. You can wander around towns, do mini quests for Lords and seize castles.
It's quite basic in all aspects but extremely playable. I've clocked up close to 1000 hours over the 3 versions I should think.

Worth getting Warband as it's usually on sale but even at full price it's a bargain
I could never get into this.

Its mechanics seemed old and tired, especially compared to something like Elder Scrolls, although I realise they're completely different games. But the settings are simuilar, and Mout and Blade just doesn't come off very well.

Knoghts and Mercants might be closer, but perheps they're just not my sort of game.

I installed the Floris modpack, but I didn't think that altered very much, at least, not where it would matter to me, so I gave up on it.
I could never get into this.

Its mechanics seemed old and tired, especially compared to something like Elder Scrolls, although I realise they're completely different games. But the settings are simuilar, and Mout and Blade just doesn't come off very well.

Knoghts and Mercants might be closer, but perheps they're just not my sort of game.

I installed the Floris modpack, but I didn't think that altered very much, at least, not where it would matter to me, so I gave up on it.

The mechanics in M&B are more advanced than any Elder Scrolls game... ES games have one type of attack that either lands on a small hitbox or not. M&B has 2 side swipes, lunge, overhead, physics(speed affects damage) etc. Even the RPG elements are more complex than vanilla Skyrim/Oblivion...

I'm looking forward to Bannerlords, it will be great if they improve the Warband formula .
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