Mount dd image

First make sure the loop module is loaded:

lsmod | grep loop

If it's not, then: modprobe loop

Now you really need to know what filesystem the image uses, I will take a guess that its iso9660.

So try in a terminal:

mount -o loop theddimage.dd /home/Beerbaron/mount/here

If that doesn't work you will need to specify the file system (iso9660, ntfs, ext3 etc) the image uses:

mount -t iso9660 -o loop theddimage.dd /home/Beerbaron/mount/here

Hope that's some help
Its always the way with me posting in this section of the forum, as soon as i post i manage to get something to work :D

I manage to mount it using this:

sudo mount -o loop, /home/beerbaron/Desktop/image /home/beerbaron/Documents

The dd image 'image' has no file extension for some reason
You can mount it wherever you want, although I'd say /mnt/whatever or /media/whatever would be preferable. /home/beerbaron/Documents seems a bit of a strange place unless the image is of your documents or something?
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