This was the crazy cognitive dissonance going on during the covid time.
People talked of championing the environment while at the same time supporting the mass production of plastic items (which were unproven to stop the virus).
The care home my grandad was in during 2022 the last time we visited was still making visitors dress up in plastic overalls, gloves and so on as well as masks - despite by March 2021 it was known that spread by fomites accounted for less than 1 in 10,000 cases (although I'd caveat that the early S variants were known to be more readily transmitted via surfaces but were virtually extinct by late 2020) and that in most cases the risk can be managed more effectively by simply thoroughly washing hands and wiping down touchpoints.
Sadly it seems many of the early claims, by professionals, as to surface transmission, were based not on studies of the virus but the stubborn assumption the virus was a mutated version of the original SARS and based on how that would act if it had undergone changes as would have happened for the result to be COVID rather than studies of COVID itself... absolutely horrendously poor science and this was coming from people with acclaim in the field - I assume many of us remember the video by a prominent Japanese virologist.
Masks are absolutely capable of stopping the virus mechanically and if people put best practises into effect. It is empty headed people who'd rather not take actual personal responsibility rather than masks which are the problem in that context. Meanwhile we have scenes of people crammed into theatres for a couple of hours or more but that's "OK" because they are wearing basic surgical masks... *bangs head on wall*
We are truly screwed if the "big one" pandemic wise does break out.
Why we are so resistant to going through the steps of precaution, high quality studies, act appropriately, I have no idea.
EDIT: Something I will repeat again - where I work we had fairly strictly implemented rules, one way system, 2m distancing, masks inside, no packing people into the office even with masks on, routine hands and surface cleaning - nothing went around despite similar companies with a more relaxed approach in the area seeing outbreaks and individuals picking it up outside of work, except in some limited instances where people were in breach of the rules and/or doing ill advised stuff outside of work together. When finally the rules were relaxed we got slammed by it less than 2 weeks later. I'm certain that wasn't coincidence.