Moussaoui spared death penaly.

Got what he deserved IMO and I am a supporter of the death penalty in certain circumstances.

This guy didn't actually kill anyone. As deranged as he is and as disgusting as his words and ideals are, the death penalty is not for him. Life in prison will be no picnic, and it avoids the huge media circus of USA death row and multiple appeals over many years.
I believe the Crusaders buried Muslims inside pig skins and poured blood into the grave? If this is the only way to stop these people....pretty pathetic and brainwashed that having your family members and yourself blown up is glorious, but what after you're dead matters. :rolleyes:
Right choice as far as I'm concerned. The very last thing I'd want to hear about would be a broadcast on Al Jazeera of Osama Bin Laden hailing Moussaoui's 'glorious martyrdom for the cause' or something equally distasteful.
cleanbluesky said:
I'm curious, for all those who have vitriol for him - would you support psychologically breaking the individual and reprogramming?
I don't have any vitriol - just disdain. However, what benefit would any such reprogramming have to society? I see none, and it would therefore be a pointless excercise.
Berserker said:
I don't have any vitriol - just disdain. However, what benefit would any such reprogramming have to society? I see none, and it would therefore be a pointless excercise.

But watching him renounce his passion would be the opposite of giving him glory via matyrdom would it not? Showing him in a position of shame.
cleanbluesky said:
But watching him renounce his passion would be the opposite of giving him glory via matyrdom would it not? Showing him in a position of shame.
I suppose it might for him personally (and his family), but he's spending the rest of his life in prison, so who really cares? It would do nothing for the larger 'cause'. They'd just blame it all on Western infidels or whatever it is they call us and get on with their poisoned 'religious' beliefs. So, we're still left with the fact that it would have no discernable benefit to society.
Berserker said:
I suppose it might for him personally (and his family), but he's spending the rest of his life in prison, so who really cares? It would do nothing for the larger 'cause'. They'd just blame it all on Western infidels or whatever it is they call us and get on with their poisoned 'religious' beliefs. So, we're still left with the fact that it would have no discernable benefit to society.
I agree with your thoughts here but I can't help think by extending that logic further we should just execute him. The supporters of these fools will still hate us anyway, martyr or not yet now the good people of the USA have to pay to keep him for the rest of his days during which time he will no doubt become a monumental pain in the arse.

I say shoot him, give the families closure (horrible Americanism but apt) and save the money for more useful things.
Right decision as far as I can tell. He didn't kill anyone, didn't fly any planes into buildings, didn't do anything. They couldn't show in any way that he could have prevented 9/11 from happening, so to kill him would have been pure scapegoating. Far too many people wanted retribution and revenge without any concern for justice.

For him to be incarcerated by his enemies will be much worse for him than death.
cleanbluesky said:
I'm curious, for all those who have vitriol for him - would you support psychologically breaking the individual and reprogramming?

Nah sod the reprograming, however I would condone breaking him by any means, to make sure any and every last scrap off intelligence is gathered out of his sick and twisted mind.
vonhelmet said:
Right decision as far as I can tell. He didn't kill anyone, didn't fly any planes into buildings, didn't do anything. They couldn't show in any way that he could have prevented 9/11 from happening, so to kill him would have been pure scapegoating. Far too many people wanted retribution and revenge without any concern for justice.

For him to be incarcerated by his enemies will be much worse for him than death.

If you think he did nothing wrong, how can life imprisonment be the right decision?
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