Mouth or Nose

9 Dec 2008
When your laying in bed at night trying to get to sleep, do you breath through your mouth, or through your nose?

I'm a nose breather, as when I breath through my mouth, my lips, mouth and back of my throat go completely dry, and there is no way I'll fall asleep like that.

My girlfriend is a mouth breather, and gets extremely annoyed when I breath through my nose, saying it's louder and it stops her from falling asleep! I don't consider myself to be a heavy breather.

I was just wondering what the consensus on this is, and if possible, could a poll be added? :D
Nose, I hate having my mouth open when I'm trying to sleep, if I have a cold for instane and can't breath through my nose it takes me ages to get to sleep.
Nose, if I can. I sleep face down, and peculiarly if I turn on my right my nose usually blocks, which means I have to sleep on my left which means I have an achy neck most of the time :(
Not sure, normally I am asleep, I am told I snore as loud as a whale during mating season though.

don't you get a sore throat if you breath through your mouth? whenever i've got a cold and thus a blocked nose, i have to breath through my mouth, and if i didn't have a sore throat before, guaranteed i do after :(
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