Mouth or Nose

A bit of both. I try and sleep through my nose but sooner or later I will fall asleep with my mouth open. Usually have a dry mouth/throat when I wake up.

I don't snore luckily enough.

Btw Zeek:- Hope you're enjoying work :D
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Doesnt really bother me which i go for.

What i have to watch for is when start to try to sleep is make sure each breathe is the same. Every single one and then if im lucky it becomes automatic and i fall asleep. if i take the wrong breathe (too shallow or deep) then i have to start all over again....
Mouth because my nose is always semi blocked and can't comfortably get enough air in with just my 1 nostril. But yep I do wake up dry mouthed and feeling a bit rough :p

Hate having to use mouth. Only use mouth in emergency such as super blocked nose. Just hate that dry towel tongue feeling when one wakes up, as well as really bad breath.
I prefer to breathe through my nose, but it is recovering from a septoplasty at the moment and still really swollen inside which means it's almost totally blocked if I lie down. I get a really sore throat if I breathe through my mouth, it's horrible :(.
Nose, unless blocked.

If I breathe through my mouth, I too get dry lips and wake up with a sore, scratchy throat.
Hard to say, depends how im laying. If i sleep on left then one nostril is blocked, vice versa on the right side. So either to breath through nose it has to be laying on my back so both nostrils work or use mouth on the sides. I generally feel most comfortable on my front using an arm as a pillow kinda thing. Seems to work best for me usually.
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