Movies that sell out. Terminator and Beverley Hills Cop to name a few

13 Nov 2006
and now Die Hard 4 to be a PG-13 !!!!

All studios are concerned about nowadays is getting the biggest audience flock to go see there films. Once a film becomes popular and has a franchise like Terminator and Beverley hills cop, they make a sequal suitable for kids.

It happens with them all.
Zefan said:

Die Hard 4 does have a car jumping at a helicopter though.

And an annoying sidekick kid exclaiming "Wow, you just hit a helicopter with a car!" or something along those lines. Chances are I'll probably still go and see it though.
Did anyone actually watch Beverly Hills Cop III? It sucked, that franchise was dead years ago.
nah bhc3 was sweet, i remember he had this big ass gun right which had like a million things on it including a boombox hahaha, pure genious!
Yup gone are the days of knowing a film woudl be good because it was an 18 :( :p

Robocop, Predator, Terminator, Total Recall where's the mindless violence et al nowadays.

Hang on, how many of those were Arnie films....
There is a lack of hero's these days - Arnie, Stallone etc
Nowadays we are palmed off with the likes of Matt Damon (all be it he is good as Jason Bourne)
I thought Rocky might step up to the plate - but has not proved to be as effective lol

Plus of course most films will end up 'selling out' due to the fact that they are there for one reason only - to make a bank load of cash!!
Clipsey said:
Nowadays we are palmed off with the likes of Matt Damon (all be it he is good as Jason Bourne)

I think he's great as Bourne, but everytime I see or hear his name now, all I can think of is Team America :D .
johnnyfive said:
and now Die Hard 4 to be a PG-13 !!!!

Once a film becomes popular and has a franchise like Terminator and Beverley hills cop, they make a sequal suitable for kids.

It happens with them all.

I watched Terminator 3 for the first time at the weekend and thought it was a good film. Loads better than I expected. Beverley Cop 3 was criminal though
Guest said:
I watched Terminator 3 for the first time at the weekend and thought it was a good film. Loads better than I expected. Beverley Cop 3 was criminal though

T3 with it's female terminator for equality no doubt was just stupid. A terminator film cannot be good when one of arnies lines is "speak to tha hand".

Utter tosh lol.
i dont think any of these movies have sold out as such ...

Terminator 2 was totally different type of movie from T1, and T3 just sucked, you could argue that any sequel of a good movie has a lot to live up to, Blade, the Matrix etc. and that i think is the the real heart of the matter here

Die Hard in my estimation is totally overated anyway, any move where the guy runs around talking to himself in the 1st person is just wierd ...

hopefully BHC3 will be good
It's true, there is shortage of action heroes. There is no new Arnie, Sly or even Van Damme or Seagal. Come to think of it, there are no young replacements even for the third league, B movie action heroes like Norris or Lundgren. After failed attempts to invent new Indiana Jones (Sahara), turning numerous comic books into completely hopeless 2 hour motion pictorials (anything from Dare Devil to Hulk) even likes of Vin Diesel lost will and patience to continue with dire "action hero for dummies" merchandises like XXX and F&F. We saw remakes and reboots of just about any action franchise, from Bourne, through Bond, all possible horors, down to remakes of almost all Michael Caine movies. For god's sake, they even remade King Salomon's Mines and that script sucked the first time round. Now we entered era of dusting off retired action heroes - 61 years old Stallone will be Rambo again, 52 year old Willis will Die Hard for the 4th time, Harrison Ford (65 now) is to be Dr.Jones in the next two years again. Now, if anyone could convince 77 years old Eastwood to lift up Magnum again as Dirty Harry the future of action cinema will be in safe, although somewhat shaky and senile hands. ;)
oh my ******** god, die hard 4 a pg13, so its gonna be a 12 over here? that is pathetic, how are they gonna get yippi kay yay mother......... into the film then? It will ruin it imo without all the mindless swearing and violence from 1 and 3 (2 sucked).

But yeah from the trailer it looks like theres some decent action scenes.
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