Moving Drives

12 Feb 2007
South Shields
At the moment i have 2 x hard drvies in my pc. a 150Gb Raptor with XP 32-bit and a 320Gb WD with Vista 64.

I have a boot menu to choose between os's, vista done this for me. I now want to get rid of XP altogether as Vista suits my needs and more.
Firstly, i want to get rid of the boot menu format the raptor, then clone the 320Gb onto the 150Gb raptor and use the 320 for storage.

Advice? I dont want to have to reinstall vista and everything else along with it. How is peoples experience doing this? What program do you recommend? And how do i get the boot menu rid of?
To change/remove the boot menu, download EasyBCD or VistaBootPro. These are both free and you just install one of them in Vista and edit the boot menu. I think all you have to do is to remove the entry for XP - if Vista is the only entry left then the boot menu won't appear.

As far as cloning Vista to another drive/partition goes, I think that Acronis Disk Director will do this for you - there are quite a few forum posts about it on the net. However, I think that even though you have cloned the OS across you will still have to reactivate it.

Since you will have to reactivate Vista anyway you might aswell reinstall it from scratch IMO. Since you are going to be moving it from the secondary disk to the primary you may have booting problems anyway (fixed by booting from the Vista DVD and selecting Repair). In cases like this I always think it is worth going through the hassle of a complete new reinstall.
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