Moving from sony to canon,recomendations

I'm not sure lol takes lovely photos for my needs but feel a change to another brand as I've had Sonys for 5 years,I'll probably regret it but I won't know until I change :)
Do you also want to shoot video?

I got the a33 because it does shoot a very good video but I hardly use it,I will probably get a video camera for the "now and again" video.

I'm.just after another camera that just does photos but all depends on if I sell my kit and what's out there to be honest.
Doesn't seem like selling and moving system is a wise idea if you don't know why you want to change.

At the very least you need to borrow or rent several different cameras and see which ones you like and if there is really any reason to move. Try to get your hands on a Canon, Nikon and a mirror-less (m43, Fuji, Sony) and see if there is anything you particularly like about them.

Are their lenses missing, is the Sony Flash system underwhelming, is the camera too big, too small, image quality issues?
I would like to come to a photographer meet but work and my holidays are booked in advance,I don't know anyone who has a dslr as they like there point and shoots or phones .

The main reason is the lens and accessories choice you get with Canon,there is only one grip for my a33 and its not very good going by the reviews.
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