Mozilla 1.0.1 & this one forum

19 Oct 2002
5,780 it seems like I have to hit a link a few times for a topic to load, and to thing doesn't always post my replies I have no idea why. In SuSE 8/0 zi used Netscape6 & it worked fine, thise couldn't be related to the upgrade ian any way right? They have lots of adds, but that shouldn't matter.
I was just wondering why is it doing that? I used Nescape6 in SuSE 8.0 & I don't remember this ever happening. I am typing this from windows cuase it wouldn't reply in linux. I started downloading Mozilla 1.1 & Pheonix forgot the version and paused them in mozilla in linux, how do I resume the downloads from the download manager. I guess it could be my slow Dial-up connection.
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